Saturday 6 July 2024

Rhubarb and Custard


Sorting through the food cupboard early yesterday I discovered a tin of 'vegan custard'. I have no recollection of buying it but it was obviously a long time ago.  Also the rhubarb in the garden was reaching gigantic proportions ... so what do you immediately think of when you have these two offerings available?  Well, I think of Rhubarb Pie.

So after breakfast yesterday I pulled about two thirds of the stalks and started to prep it for a pie.

I fished out all the little brown sugar sachets that I pick up on my coffee drinking travels and added them to the pot ... minus the paper of course.  😄

Then gently simmered the rhubarb, for slightly too long.  Oh well, mushy rhubarb tastes just as good if not better than properly cooked rhubarb.

Digging the previously mentioned tin of custard out of the cupboard, and the roll of well out of date pastry from the fridge (I bought it here ... and promptly didn't use it. 😂) I set about with my pie making.

After a spot of blind baking, and then pouring in a layer of custard between two layers of rhubarb, I soon had my rather large Rhubarb Tart ... there wasn't enough pastry for a complete top, so it's not officially a pie ... cooking away in the oven and warming up my kitchen nicely.

Yes, it's still chilly here, although it's a good washing drying day with this breeze.

The finished tart.  I took a photo now because I just know it's going to fall apart the minute I cut into it as it's very deep and very full.  Half for me and half for Alan, who is waiting patiently with a tub of ice-cream at the ready.

It's not a bad treat for the weekend is it.  😀

Sue xx


  1. Absolutely delish and perfect for a wet weekend. xx

  2. I have some in the freezer which Norrie will eat poached in the Remoska. Cooled and crushed teas biscuits added then Carnation Milk on top. A childhood treat that is still his favourite way to eat rhubarb! Catriona

  3. Wow what a feast for you, we have rhubarb for a pud tomorrow but I like the idea you have of the rhubarb and custard together.

  4. I love rhubarb, I cut some of ours down and made a crumble before we left for Glasto. Your pie looks very professional.
    Yesterday was sunny and warm (ish) todays it's peeing it down....I think I need another holiday! xx

  5. We've got so much rhubarb that I'm making two crumbles a week at the moment. Your pie looks delicious.
    Alison in Wales x

  6. Rhubarb was a favourite of my late husband - particularly when combined with custard !
    In Bristol we had thunder and lightning last night - I was woken up by our cat tearing through his cat flap as the storm started
    Your pie looks wonderful
    Siobhan x

  7. Your pie looks delicious!

  8. I do like your idea of a layer of custard between layers of rhubarb.

  9. I love rhubarb but you would be shocked at the price I have paid for two batches here. A lot of it has been cooked with a bit of water and sugar, cooled, strained a bit and then packed up and into the freezer. The leftover liquid then gets frozen into cubes and is used to flavour sparking water throughout the Summer - just delicious!

  10. My rhubarb has been pitiful this year. I've not seen ANY in the shops either. Don't know why. A shame as I couldn't make my rhubarb and custard cake, which is so scrummy.

    Your lattice top reminds me of the jam tarts mum used to make, which ha a lattice top like that.

  11. Thank you for all these lovely comments. As you will see from the next post it's been a tough weekend and I didn't come on to answer you individually. xx


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