Monday 8 July 2024

Suky - A Life Well Lived

On the farm in Oxfordshire - December 2011

This is probably one of the saddest posts I'll ever have to write, my beloved Suky died on Saturday evening at 9pm. 

 After a brilliant last day, walking on the sand at Fleetwood, sharing a bacon butty with Alan and a biscuit with me while people watching on the prom.  Then a lazy afternoon all cuddled in together on the sofa with Mavis and Ginger while Alan watched the sport, she had her tea and then went on the evening walk along the canal with her Dad and Mavis.  

A few minutes into the walk she collapsed.  Alan carried her home with Mavis trotting like a really good girl a few steps behind.  The emergency vet was called and we met her at the surgery within ten minutes and they did everything they could to stabilise her.  But Suky had decided on her own terms that this was her time.

She died peacefully in our arms. 

On our smallholding in Berkshire - 2013

She lived through and took part in all our adventures, coming to us in December 2011 on our first farm in Oxfordshire, just missing out on meeting our pigs but loving the chickens, the cats and the dogs.  Moving with us to our smallholding in Berkshire and getting to know geese and cows. They all loved the funny little farm dog that would never hurt a fly ... or get her feet muddy.

Our smallholding in Wales -2020

Then we moved to Wales and she got to know sheep, lots of lovely sheep who welcomed her as one of them, even the grumpy old ram who hated everyone.  She chased the lambs down the hill and they chased her back up ... much to the amusement of passing motorists.

Town life - 2024

And then life quietened down, with van life and town life, and just simple doggy adventures lived along the river and canal.  Her favourite words were 'coffee and cake' and she knew it meant a short walk and then a gravy bone in the sun while the humans partook of cake ... and who knows they sometimes even shared.

I shared Suky's story on her eighth birthday. 

This is how I will remember my glorious girl, always near my feet waiting for the next thing, be it food or just companionship.  

She was my little shadow ... and she was a good dog.  

RIP Suky 💖

13th October 2011 - 6th July 2024 

Sue xx



  1. Oh Sue, I'm so sorry to read about dear Suky. You gave her such a brilliant life and she couldn't have been more loved. xx

  2. Oh no! I'm so sad about this. She was such a sweet dog and so loved. It's so hard when they go and we miss them so much. XOXo Christina

  3. Absolutely heartbreaking Sue, I'm so sorry. What a lovely life - and last day - Suky had. You'll have literally 100s of photos and blog entries to remember her by. Thank you for sharing her life with us, bless you xx

  4. So very sorry Sue. Suky had a wonderful life with you and a whole lot of love. It's heartbreaking xxx

  5. Oh thats so sad Sue, She will leave a big hole in your heart. Such a cutie face.

  6. What a glorious girl she was and what a glorious life she lived - I know that will not help that overwhelming sense of grief that she has died , but you gave her an amazing life
    Thinking of you
    Siobhan x

  7. We have followed her for so long and enjoyed all her adventures and photos. Words can't help you but please know that you are much thought of at this time.
    Wendy (Wales)

  8. Oh Sue, that's such sad news. She was such a wee character and we've all loved reading about her adventures. Thinking of you all and sending love xxx

  9. That’s so sad, Sue, but glad that she had a lovely day with you before deciding her time was done.🥲 Catriona

  10. I am so sorry about your lovely girl. It is so hard when we lose one our canine or feline friends, sending heartfelt condolences. Regards Sue H

  11. What an amazing life you gave Suky and in return she gave you the most wonderful and beautiful gift of love.
    My heart aches for you.
    Lynn in Oregon

  12. You gave her a great life!

  13. I am so sorry. I have loved following Suky's adventures.

  14. Sue and Alan, I'm so sorry to read about Suky. She had a brilliant life with you both and lots of doggy adventures. Fly high over the rainbow bridge Suky. Xx

  15. I am so sorry. She seemed a wonderful little dog, full of personality.

  16. so sorry to hear your sad news xx

  17. Run Free Suki! Little paws leave big holes in our hearts.

  18. Suky had a happy and well loved life. She could not ask for anything more. My heart goes out to you both.

  19. So very sorry Sue and Alan, thinking of you and sending love. Pam in Texas.

  20. So sad but what a wonderful life she had and what pleasure she gave you xxx maeve

  21. So sorry to hear you have lost Suky. She did live her best doggy life with you. Sending you and Mavis hugs x

  22. Brought tears when I read this sad news about Suky. Such a sweet looking doggy

  23. I'm so sorry that Suky is gone. It sounds like she had the perfect last day and a wonderful life. Hugs, Jo in Wisconsin.

  24. Oh Sue, I'm so sorry to read about Suky. It is heartbreaking when we lose our dearly loved pets. They are a very loved part of our family. She had a lovely life with you, and I know you will never forget her and the happy times you shared. You gave her a loving and safe home and made her happy.

  25. Such sad news. Suky was well loved, she had a lovely and happy life. They always break our hearts.

  26. I was so upset to read about Suky, she was so loved and lived a wonderful life♥ Sending love to you, Alan, Mavis and Ginger as I know you will all so miss your little girl xxx

  27. So sorry to hear about Suky. I am glad you were all there with her. Many many hugs.

  28. I'm so sorry to hear about Suky passing. She will be missed.

  29. So sorry to hear about the loss of your little four legged companion they leave massive big paw prints in our hearts. Heather

  30. Sorry to hear this, she was a lovely soul. Love and hugs x

    1. Sorry, should have added my name - Barbara x

  31. I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing a beloved pet is heartbreaking and my prayers are with you. Lynn Ewing USA

  32. Oh, Sue, I'm so sorry. Suky lived such a GOOD LIFE with you. Sending love. - Jen B.

  33. Sorry to read this, it’s sad when we loose our four footed friends.

  34. So sorry Sue to read of your loss of Sukie ❤️💔❤️

  35. So sorry, it is so hard when we lose them ❤️

  36. Oh Sue, no words 😘

  37. Such an excellent little dog and you gave her a grand life - well done all of you. So sorry for your loss! 🖤

  38. So sorry. What a wonderful long life Suky had.

  39. Oh I'm so sorry to read this. I know how loved she was. You gave her a wonderful life. A little dog couldn't ask for better.

  40. I'm so sorry to read your post. You gave her the best life a dog could have.

  41. So sorry about Suki. She seemed to have had a good life with caring owners, best wishes

  42. So sorry for your loss.

  43. So sorry to hear this. It is so difficult to have to say goodbye to such an important part of the family. She had a wonderful time with you and a peaceful end. A life well lived (and well loved) indeed.
    Best wishes

  44. I'm so sorry for you loss. It's always heartbreaking when we have to say goodbye.

  45. Sending a virtual but loving (((((HUG))))) to you, Alan, Mavis and Ginger. My heart aches for you as you mourn your faithful little mate. So little but such a huge hole left in your hearts and your lives. RIP dear Suky 💖

  46. So sad to hear your news - Suky had the perfect life that any dog could wish for. Thinking of you all.x

  47. Words can seem inadequate at these heartbreaking times of loss. Our pets are so loyal and give us everything asking for very little in return.
    Thoughts are certainly with you and Alan x
    Alison in Wales x

  48. I am so sorry to read this. The best dogs leave the biggest empty spaces in our hearts.

  49. I am so sorry to hear this. You gave her a wonderful life and she had a lovely last day with you. I know she will be so missed. xx

  50. So very sorry for the loss of such a wonderful companion. Hope you got my email, xxx

  51. So Sorry to hear this Sue. Suky was such a character.

  52. I am so very, very sorry to read this post. Suky had a wonderful life with you and I know you will miss her terribly. So sorry for your loss xx Angie

  53. What a lovely and loved life she had , so glad you have so many happy memories , love and cuddles to Mavis xx

  54. So very sorry Sue. She was so well loved by you and Alan and had a great life. Sending hugs, Steph. xx

  55. Much love, it’s devastating. She had an incredible life with you x Danette

  56. Oh, this is sad! I loved the "Dad is a mattress" photo, the meaning of the words "sooky, sooky" and really enjoyed hearing about Suky and Mavis on your blog. Take care, now!

  57. Thank you for all of these comments everybody. You have really helped, and it has been very appreciated by both of us. xx

  58. I'm so very sorry to read this, Sue. RIP Suky. Xx


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