Sunday 28 July 2024

Day Seven - Olympic Nibbles, Kyivs and Toilet Rolls


I forgot to add this photo to yesterday's post, the nibbles I got together for us to have while we watched the Olympic Opening Ceremony on the television on Friday night.  It's surprising what you can rustle up at the last minute when you stand in front of the cupboard and fridge with a blank look on your face.  😶

Just the spread and the little silver-skin pickled onions were from the fridge, the ever so slightly soft Ritz crackers and the sardine and tomato spread were from the cupboard, and three little bags of Harvest Snaps were from the snack basket.

It was good to make a little 'party' out of nothing ... and Alan supplied us with a glass of wine each.  🍷

After all that stodgy nibbling the night before I fancied a light breakfast so my one and only apple was called into service.  Along with a slice of toast and my usual black coffee, it was a nice simple breakfast.

Lunch needed to be a bit more filling, so I used another two eggs and a bread roll from the freezer.  Served with a little trio of my 'now going wrinkly' plum tomatoes and a couple of lettuce leaves it made for a nice lunch ... and yes more black coffee.  My world would not turn without it.  😄

Tea was nice and simple, just a Garlic Kyiv and rice and peas.  

I just throw the peas into my rice-maker along with the uncooked rice and leave it to do it's own thing.  As you can see I have the same sized portion now chilled in the fridge, so I might just replicate this meal for tomorrow nights tea.  I don't like to leave cooked rice sitting around for more than one or two days.

While this Challenge is all about using up the fresh foods, I am also mindful that my longer term  challenge of Eating and Living Well on a Small Budget is ongoing, and by monitoring my shopping I have been able to find out how long some things last me.  Back in early January I bought two packs of 12 'longer lasting' toilet rolls, supposedly meant to be the equivalent of 18 normal rolls.  I started on the last of these at the beginning of last week, so I needed some more.  I have been watching out for them coming back on a reduced offer for the last few weeks, but no such luck!!  However, those rolls lasted me for 28 weeks, just over a roll a week, so I think they were pretty good value really.

Now my remaining £2.71 of this weeks budget would not have cut the mustard in buying any more toilet rolls, and then Angie (Pensive Pensioner) gave me an idea.  I could use some of my Nectar points alongside a bit of cash to buy some more.

So I found these in Sainsbury's for me to try, and at just £6.50 a pack affordable for me if I used £1.50 in cash and £5 of my Nectar points.  I'll have to wait a while to see how long these last me, they do seem to be almost as good a quality as the others.

So I have now spent a total of £98.79 this month ... under budget and no more spending needed, yay.  😃

Back tomorrow with more meals ... and less talk of toilet rolls!  

Sue xx


  1. What a frugal star!!! Even providing party food!!
    When I saw the title I thought 'surely she didn't eat loo rolls' which was remarkably silly of me really! Still, I'm glad you didn't!
    The food all looks great, as always. xx

    1. I know!! 😊

      No, I still have enough food in the house not to be tempted to snack on toilet rolls. 😂🤣

  2. Thanks for the mention, Sue, even if it IS in relation to toilet rolls!! Lol....I have bought those Sainsbury's rolls myself and they are quite good quality for the price.
    I watched some of the Olympic Games opening ceremony too (although I couldn't watch it all) and thoroughly enjoyed the spectacle. Your snacks and a glass of wine were a great idea ;)
    Very well done on sticking to the budget. I knew you could do it :)

    Have a great Sunday Sue.
    Angie x

    1. Haha 😄 They seem very similar to the previous larger rolls that I bought, just obviously smaller. It will be interesting to see how long these last.

      Alan has obviously been shopping at Sainsbury's as I have lots of food on my special offers that I wouldn't buy ... AND £15 worth of Nectar points again.

    2. That's a dead giveaway then! lol.....

    3. Haha, he can't get away with anything, and when he shops at Booths his receipt comes up on my phone. 😄

  3. I’m always inspired by how consistent and creative you are with your challenges. Thanks for your commitment to frugality.

    Isn’t it shocking how expensive paper products have become? I’m constantly watching the sales but even sale prices seem high for something that gets used and tossed or flushed. I try to use rags and microfiber cloths instead of paper towels but it’s hard to replace toilet paper without the ick factor going through the roof.

    My fridge badly needs sorting and cleaning. I wish I kept mine as tidy as you do Sue. Maybe I’ll get on that after church today. Congrats on staying in budget! ~~ Carol

    1. That's a lovely thing to say, thank you. 😀

      I find myself much more mindful of all the paper and other single use things I buy. I used to good but now I have gotten even better.

      I do like a clean and tidy fridge, I'm a constant 'wiper down' of any surfaces, including fridge shelves. 😄

  4. My go-to shop is Sainsburys - its 2 minutes from my front door - and I can tell you those quilted toilet rolls are really good.
    Without getting too graphic (!) two sheets will tackle almost everything and three sheets definitely!
    They've also occasionally come up as a Nectar reduction item.

    1. They really are good aren't they. I will be keeping an eye on them, hoping they get reduced on special offer again. StrangIy I have never had them come up on my Nectar reduction items, but I keep looking. 🙂

  5. I don't mind a discussion on loo rolls - they are a very necessary part of life aren't they? 😀
    I love rice with peas, and do the same, just pop it all in the microwave rice cooker.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. A very necessary part of life for sure, and you just know if any blogger is going to do a post about loo rolls ... it will be me. 😄😂

  6. I buy the biggest pack of toilet rolls with my home delivery but they have to live in the garage. Last order I ordered some more forgetting that I already had the huge pack in the garage-duh! Catriona

    1. I have nowhere to store them en-mass so any that don't fit on my bathroom ledge have to live in my wardrobe with my shoes. 😂

      Better too many than not enough 😀

  7. I don't know what it is, but our toilet rolls do not seem to last as long as they used to. I check number of sheets per roll and shrinkflation has definitely hit those here in Canada.

    God bless.

    1. Gosh, shrinkflation is striking everywhere and on everything isn't it. I think I would rather companies were just honest with their pricing. 😔


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