Monday 21 October 2024

Minimal Shopping - A Use It Up Week


Aldi Shopping - £18.01

Microwave Rice - 2 x 45p

Tomatoes - £1.59

Salmon - 2 x £2.49

Half a side of Fresh Salmon - £7.69

Breaded Haddock Fillets - £2.85

I didn't really need to go shopping, in fact when Alan came over and asked me if I wanted to go shopping to Aldi with him earlier I had said 'no thanks'.  Then he turned up a few hours later clutching his shopping bags, car keys in his hand and said 'are you ready?' ... talk about forgetful.  He then asked if I fancied a coffee at Booths first, so that swung my decision and off I went.  😄

My plan this week is to use up what I have in the fridge in the way of salad stuff and vegetables, so with this in mind I decided that this weeks Sunday prep work was going to be a big batch of Mediterranean vegetables using up as much as I could from what I already had, hence me not buying many vegetables this time.

A bit of time spent chopping and soon I had two trays of veggies, the salmon was split into five portions and the thinner end that had been partly folded over in the pack, was topped with some sundried tomato pesto ... from a jar not homemade.

The salmon was cooked in just over twenty minutes but the vegetables needed a bit longer, so I filled the gap with a quick dish of rhubarb crumble, the base taken out of the freezer and the crumble quickly mixed up and added on top.

I couldn't resist, and the sundried tomato salmon made for a delicious lunch while I watched some television and had a relaxing afternoon.

Now I just need to make a bit of a menu plan to work out how I'm going to use up all those luscious, garlicky vegetables, the remaining cooked salmon fillets and those tasty looking haddock fillets.  But there's no need for me to rush to use up the microwave rice that I bought for emergency use, or the tins of salmon that I bought to top up the stacks I already have in the cupboard.  

Fish and rice ...  good store cupboard staples.

Sue xx

Friday 18 October 2024

Just Lots of Lovely Meals


I've been eating much better and much simpler over the past couple of weeks, and it's been really good.  I am starting to feel the difference overall and as a bonus I have also lost six pounds in weight.  At the start of the month I dug out my old Harcombe diet books for some recipe inspiration, after all the main ethos of that diet is to just eat real food, and they've really helped.

Breakfasts have been mostly egg based, usually with some tomatoes.  Sometimes they are scrambled, often they are poached in the microwave for just one minute in my little silicone pots.

And sometimes they are simply hardboiled and quartered and eaten at my desk while I work.

The days when I'm not in the mood for an egg of any description I turn to porridge.  The jumbo oats that I currently have in the big storage jar on the shelf are really tasty, they are ever so slightly nutty in flavour and slightly chewy, it's a good start to a cold day.

Each week I am starting with a couple of tubs of home chopped pre-prepared salad, and usually a big pot of soup, stew or curry in the fridge.  This helps take away those moments when I stand at the fridge and wonder what the bloody hell to eat when I've left it just slightly too late and my stomach is rumbling at me and screaming 'just eat a biscuit'.

I've cut right back on processed foods including bread. 

 Over the course of the last two weeks I have had bread just once when we stopped on the way back from the hospital after visiting Mum and grabbed a salad Subway each.  I could have avoided it there too and had the salad in a tub, but I think I needed the comfort of sinking my teeth into something soft and squidgy ... so I went for it.

At home I've taken to doing what you can see in this photo, whenever I've got lettuce leaves big enough to use as a wrap.  In these ones are some of the chopped salady bits and half a tin of tuna divided between the two, it's surprisingly tasty and fresh and you don't get up from lunch feeling podged.

My evening meals have tended to be something like this, a lovely homemade vegetable curry with brown basmati rice.  I simply used the last of a bag of mixed vegetables from the freezer in my homemade curry sauce.  This looks so innocent but gosh I made this one spicy, I need to tone down the next batch a bit. I added a tin of coconut milk to try and mellow it out a bit ... it helped slightly! 😅

If I've not had eggs for breakfast I occasionally have an omelette for my evening meal, chucking in whatever vegetables are to hand or ready prepared in the fridge.  It makes for a tasty and very satisfying tea, that usually keeps me going all night.

But if I really have the nibbles I am still quite happy ... very happy ... to have a couple of biscuits and a cup of coffee an hour before bedtime. 

There always has to be room for some treats in life and these Deliciously Ella biscuits have pretty good ingredients:  Wheat flour (Wheat Flour, Calcium Carbonate, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Coconut Oil, Beet Sugar, Rice Flour, Water, Rolled Oats, Oat Flour, Salt, Madagascan Vanilla Extract.  All things that either are, or could be found in my cupboard. 

 So I am more than happy to still have these occasionally,  and putting them two at a time on a plate stops me from mindlessly nibbling at something that tastes so very good. 😄  

Although this simpler way of eating is costing me more money for the fresh things that I buying each week, especially the non-farmed fresh salmon, the other tinned fish and organic eggs, I think overall because I am not buying pre-prepared, processed food it will almost average out over time.  I find myself eating less but being more satisfied and it's a good feeling.

Sue xx

Wednesday 16 October 2024

I Like Cancelled Plans


I really do like all of the above, only with the rain falling like stair-rods and the sky as dark as a Winter's day, I think I'll give the coffee shop a miss and stay cosy indoors with the kettle being put on regularly.

Happily todays Booths freebie was two sachets of coffee ... it's as though they knew.  😀

I did do a bit of a top up shop while I was there.  So that's another £12.53 spent this week ... and yes I gave in a bought a cute little squash.  It can live on my shelf making me smile until Halloween and then it will be a pot of soup. 

Then life would be perfect.  😄

Sue xx

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Dim and Less Sparkly


This weeks small top up shop with some more things for the store-cupboard.

I needed the olive oil and I needed the bleach the other things were not strictly necessary but good to have in.

I reached the top of my budget anyway, even if the shop was a small one.  The crossed off and disregarded items were things that I picked up for Alan.

A total of £24 spent by me this week.

That's just about all I can cope with doing at the moment.

Things have been full on and a bit hectic here. 

 Between work being a bit busy, Alan needing help with various things that he can't quite manage with his now recovering hand, and trying to organise things for Mum ... a lasting power of attorney, a nursing home with a vacancy, banking, bills, checking her bungalow (her neighbours was broken into a couple of weeks ago) etc etc ...  we finally thought we had everything under control and ready to go.  There were just final signatures on the LPA due to be witnessed this morning ... and then suddenly her hospital ward has gone into a complete lockdown at lunchtime yesterday due to a sickness and diarrhoea bug doing the rounds.  

Now we just hope that she doesn't catch it, as she can't afford to lose any more of what little weight she has left.  But the nurses and other staff are all absolutely brilliant and we have lots of faith in them to try and keep their patients safe.

So although I may be a dim and less sparkly version of myself at the moment, I am still the ever optimistic person that drives everyone mad.  😁

Sue xx

Saturday 12 October 2024

Food Cupboard - January/April and Now

April 2024

I promised that I would show photos of the food cupboard as it was in April and as it is now for comparison.  So for your delight and delectation here they are.

October 2024

At first glance there doesn't seem to be that much difference, but the coffee came up from the lower cupboard and I have eaten my way through a lot of the tinned salmon and tuna which isn't even visible in the April photo.

I honestly thought I had January photos of the bottom cupboard too, but I can't seem to find them anywhere, either in my photo files or on any blog post.  It's obviously one of those occasions where I think I've done something ... but I haven't!!

So you'll just have to take my word that this bottom cupboard was packed, so much so that things were balanced on top of things, all in a rather slapdash way.  There was no wood visible inside the cupboard and closing the door meant I had to put the catch on immediately to keep things from escaping.  Now everything is in a single layer, which makes it much easier for seeing what I have got, or haven't got when I get down to look.

The pasta basket was full to the underneath of the shelf, now it's more organised and even contains my noodles too.

Basket Drawers January 2024

I'd forgotten just how full these were at the start of the year, I had just about managed to make enough space to use one of them for my potatoes in this photo, and was proud of that.

Basket Drawers October 2024

I don't know why, but somehow I'm even prouder of them now.  

This is the same photo I showed you the other day, it's handy for comparisons sake though.  The Deliciously Ella order that Alan bought for me for Christmas will stay there until I have used up all the other 'Plants' jars in the main cupboard and then these might move over, it will probably be at Christmas time or even after before the others get used up anyway ... and then I'll have four empty drawers.  😁

It's very satisfying to see how things have gone down, it's been a slow process as I tend to buy things and use them first, something that I have to make a real effort not to do on a regular basis.  But trying to curb the spending for a while means that hopefully the contents of the top cupboard will soon be even lower, although I have decided that it makes a lot of sense to keep a little stockpile of the things I use most regularly in the bottom cupboard.

With the world and the prices the way they are at the moment, we all need a little safety net.

Do you have one?

Sue xx