Monday 21 October 2024

Minimal Shopping - A Use It Up Week


Aldi Shopping - £18.01

Microwave Rice - 2 x 45p

Tomatoes - £1.59

Salmon - 2 x £2.49

Half a side of Fresh Salmon - £7.69

Breaded Haddock Fillets - £2.85

I didn't really need to go shopping, in fact when Alan came over and asked me if I wanted to go shopping to Aldi with him earlier I had said 'no thanks'.  Then he turned up a few hours later clutching his shopping bags, car keys in his hand and said 'are you ready?' ... talk about forgetful.  He then asked if I fancied a coffee at Booths first, so that swung my decision and off I went.  😄

My plan this week is to use up what I have in the fridge in the way of salad stuff and vegetables, so with this in mind I decided that this weeks Sunday prep work was going to be a big batch of Mediterranean vegetables using up as much as I could from what I already had, hence me not buying many vegetables this time.

A bit of time spent chopping and soon I had two trays of veggies, the salmon was split into five portions and the thinner end that had been partly folded over in the pack, was topped with some sundried tomato pesto ... from a jar not homemade.

The salmon was cooked in just over twenty minutes but the vegetables needed a bit longer, so I filled the gap with a quick dish of rhubarb crumble, the base taken out of the freezer and the crumble quickly mixed up and added on top.

I couldn't resist, and the sundried tomato salmon made for a delicious lunch while I watched some television and had a relaxing afternoon.

Now I just need to make a bit of a menu plan to work out how I'm going to use up all those luscious, garlicky vegetables, the remaining cooked salmon fillets and those tasty looking haddock fillets.  But there's no need for me to rush to use up the microwave rice that I bought for emergency use, or the tins of salmon that I bought to top up the stacks I already have in the cupboard.  

Fish and rice ...  good store cupboard staples.

Sue xx


  1. Replies
    1. Nice and healthy and very, very tasty. :-)

  2. I love your little pumpkin showing up like a little fall mascot ~Carol

    1. The day it vanishes from kitchen worktop shots, you will know that it's been turned into soup. Hopefully it will last until after Halloween as I love having it there :-)

  3. The salmon and vegetables look so lovely. We had a use up week recently, I didn't shop at all but unfortunately I spent almost double the following week - that wasn't the idea !
    Alison in Wales x

  4. I agree with carol, that little pumpkin is adorable! Mmmm...roasted veggies...I might put an order in with Jon for him to make them for tea tonight! xxx

    1. He's almost a pet now, I almost gave him a name the other day. 😄

  5. Looks lovely, I do love Salmon and roasted veggies. Yum!

    1. You can't beat it can you, very flavourful. 😀

  6. Delicious looking food! I love simple food like this. Maeve xx

    1. It's making mealtimes nice and straightforward. 🙂

  7. Mmm, salmon and Med veg - one of my favourites. xx

    1. I think there's a lot of us agreeing. 😀

  8. Love roasted veg-in fact the air fryer is doing its thing as I type. Catriona

  9. Canned fish and rice are excellent store cupboard items.

    God bless.


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