Tuesday 8 October 2024

This Week's Shopping

 This new ... and long overdue ... way of eating is proving to be more expensive, but I also think that it's very necessary for me and my health.  

I think because I was determined to eat everything that I already had in the cupboards and freezer, and was trying not spend too much money each week, I have been eating things that were probably not the best, but purchased on a whim at different times.

I've pretty much got through them all now and now it's time to make a fresh start.

What brought me to the realisation that I needed to eat better was a simple box of Garlic Kyivs, gosh these were awful!!  Why was I topping up 'bad' foods with more bad foods ... I have no idea. 

I ate one of the Kyivs with rice and peas, and immediately thought 'never again' for this particular product.  I promised I would say what they were like when I had eaten them so that is why I am posting about them.  

Verdict - YUK!!

The other one went in the bin, which is such a rare thing for me to do, but totally necessary.

I'll take some photos of how my food cupboard looks now, and share it on my next post,  I'm pretty sure that it's quite a bit different from the first photo that I took this year back in April.

My total food spend for this week is £29.87 and I really don't think that I need anything else as I already have a full dozen eggs in the fridge along with leftovers from last week's vegetables, and there's still a few frozen veggies in the freezer.

Sue xx


  1. I'm with you on the eating to keep myself healthy thing. Since becoming (mostly) vegetarian - well, pescatarian - I have tried several of the manufactured/ready made veggie meals. I have to say I haven't really liked any of them! And the long lists of suspicious ingredients I've not heard of worry me. I've come to the conclusion I just like plain, unadulterated RECOGNISABLE food that I've prepared myself. At least I know what I'm eating, and can add spices or herbs to my liking. I've found veggie ready made things are quite often overly spicy, or taste of nothing! Love salmon, it's my favourite fish.

  2. Have you tried the Yuka app - you just scan the barcode on the back of a product ( food/cleaning/self care) &,if it’s on its database, it tells you how good or bad it is & gives a breakdown of protein/carbs etc. You definitely don’t need it for your latest shopping trip but the kievs may make interesting reading!

  3. I must admit that the Plant Pioneers stuff is not to my taste either. It's mainly pea protein which is dense and pretty tasteless in my opinion. I tried the chickenless curry and had to throw it in the bin , such a waste.
    The salmon looks lovely, well...... ALL the shopping looks fresh and tasty. Fresh is definitely best!


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