Tuesday 15 October 2024

Dim and Less Sparkly


This weeks small top up shop with some more things for the store-cupboard.

I needed the olive oil and I needed the bleach the other things were not strictly necessary but good to have in.

I reached the top of my budget anyway, even if the shop was a small one.  The crossed off and disregarded items were things that I picked up for Alan.

A total of £24 spent by me this week.

That's just about all I can cope with doing at the moment.

Things have been full on and a bit hectic here. 

 Between work being a bit busy, Alan needing help with various things that he can't quite manage with his now recovering hand, and trying to organise things for Mum ... a lasting power of attorney, a nursing home with a vacancy, banking, bills, checking her bungalow (her neighbours was broken into a couple of weeks ago) etc etc ...  we finally thought we had everything under control and ready to go.  There were just final signatures on the LPA due to be witnessed this morning ... and then suddenly her hospital ward has gone into a complete lockdown at lunchtime yesterday due to a sickness and diarrhoea bug doing the rounds.  

Now we just hope that she doesn't catch it, as she can't afford to lose any more of what little weight she has left.  But the nurses and other staff are all absolutely brilliant and we have lots of faith in them to try and keep their patients safe.

So although I may be a dim and less sparkly version of myself at the moment, I am still the ever optimistic person that drives everyone mad.  😁

Sue xx


  1. Sending virtual hugs ((())) sounds like you're having a difficult time right now. There is so much to deal with when a parent needs looking after. Hope it all goes well and Mum doesn't catch the hospital bug xx

    1. We really hope not, it started with the lady in the bed opposite her on a six bed ward, but the staff are being very careful.

  2. Sending all best wishes to you, Alan and your Mum
    Alison in Wales x

  3. Sending healing wishes to Alan and hope your mum escapes the dreaded bug. I had LPoA for my Dad, it took an absolute age to sort out! xxx

    1. We got all the forms filled in ... almost correctly ... and just needed Mum's friend as a witness to her signature, then the ward locked down and my brother couldn't take her to the hospital to visit and witness. So now it's on hold for however long it takes.

  4. Sounds like a rough set of days. Here's to all things settling down and returning to normal.

    1. It's been on and off since March with Mum, all culminating in this week. We'll get through it, and hopefully Mum will be settled in her new nursing home in the next couple of weeks. xx

  5. Hang in there sister!! Health and healing to all of you. Take one day at a time. Today survival, tomorrow sparkle ✨


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