Tuesday 22 October 2024

Watching Mavis Watching Mousey Mousey

Every time Alan is away for work and I want to have a few minutes for myself to grab a shower or something I have to leave Mavis with something to keep her occupied.  

Since we lost Suky, who was her comfort and a continual calming presence, Mavis has hated being left on her own when she's wide awake and she knows that only one of us is around.  She's okay if Ginger is in her line of sight and she's quite happy when she's tired enough to go into a deep sleep, but first thing in the morning especially she likes company or something to keep her entertained.

So I turn to 'mousey, mousey' ... as Mavis knows it.

Ginger recently discovered the joys of mousey mousey too.  😄

Yesterday morning ... glued to the box.

Here's what they were watching then.

The channel is actually called 'The Secret Life of My Hamster', but to Mavis it will always be 'mousey, mousey'.  It's fascinating watching a bit of it and seeing the lengths the guy goes to to make scenes for the hamster to move through is amazing, but the soundtrack is enough to drive me mad.  Luckily I'm usually in the shower while the adventures go on.

Sue xx



  1. Lol! That's brilliant although I'm with you on the music and sound effects!! Glad Mavis is comforted by mousey mousey :-) xxx

  2. Awwww, that's so funny, genius idea.
    Alison in Wales x

  3. This is so lovely. We have 3 cats and frequent visiting cats that we look after while their mums and dads are on holiday. I searched videos for cats a while ago on YouTube, and found some wonderful ones, which keep our furry friends mesmerised. It keeps us entertained too when they keep disappearing round the back of the TV to "find" the creatures on the screen!!😃 Alison in Leeds

  4. Aren't our animals funny?! Betty is an avid watcher of wildlife programmes.....the cat we had years ago loved the snooker programmes and always tried to catch the balls!

  5. As a treat I let my cat, Susie watch YouTube on my phone - video for cats. Birds, rodents and it really catches her interest big time. She purrs loud and it keeps her interest for quite a long time. Food for her brain!

  6. That's gorgeous! I didn't know such things existed, I may have to show William! xxx

  7. Aw bless Mavis she must miss having her 'partner in crime' so much. But what a brilliant idea to let her watch her fave tv, whilst you are busy...lol...

  8. Aw, bless, xxx The things we do for our fur-babies 😘


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