Tuesday 28 May 2024

A Catch Up ... and an Explanation


I bought this shopping well over a week ago and just haven't have the time to upload the photos or talk about it on here.  The ready rolled pastry was a shortcut for myself to turn the leftover shepherdess pie filling into a couple of pies, the lemons because I was down to my last morning slice and the rest because I wanted them.

The receipt.

Calling in Booths the same week for some magazines from my Mum, I spied these in the Reduced to Clear trolley and thought they were a bargain ... and I needed some potatoes.

After this shopping the challenge has all gone to pot for this month, the main reason being that my Mum was rushed into hospital at the beginning of last week.  Once you are driving up and down the motorway and eating what you can when you can, whether it be from home or out and about, it's just too hard to keep tabs on spending.  So the card has been used instead of cash, and the will to keep tabs on spending has vanished.

So for the rest of May I will be letting the challenge slip and spending whatever I have to, when I have to, without worrying about it.

As well as Mum being in hospital our Welsh flat has sold and all the final paperwork is being dealt with, mainly by the solicitors and Alan, who has been marvellous at keeping the paperwork on track.  We had to call there for the last time on Friday night, combining it on the way with a visit to Mum who is in hospital in Manchester.

The sight that greeted us late on Friday night in the back garden was an amazing meadow like vista.  My brother generously said it is just our attempt a a 'No Mow May'.  We closed the curtains on it and went to bed. Although it was pretty and the wildlife obviously loved it, we knew that we couldn't leave it to get even longer for the new owners.

So the next day Alan got stuck in, aided and abetted by a certain little Pug.

There, a few hours later ... much better.

It wasn't all hard work and we made the most of the lovely weather with a walk on the promenade in Llandudno, and a fish and chip lunch.

The dogs people watching on the prom, since they got older it's one of their favourite pastimes.

Then after another good nights sleep, a cooked breakfast in Tesco and a bit of shopping to take home with us.  There was time for another hospital visit in Manchester on Sunday, and finally home to get stuck into some more of the paperwork concerning the lease.  It was a lot less complicated to buy this flat when it was brand new that it is proving to sell it, it's freehold all the way for us from now on!!

It's been quite the Bank Holiday weekend!!

So, to keep things easy for May I am classing the month as a Total Spend of £100 ... and not even worrying about it at all.  I will leave the carry-over figure as it is and move forward.

Yes there has been a stash of chocolate purchased for those collapsing on the chair with wine and chocolate moments that are sorely needed at the moment.

Sue xx


  1. So sorry to hear about your Mum. But Family Comes First, and the food challenge can wait. Good to have the flat sale done and dusted (why do these things all happen at once?) Safe travels, and I hope your mum is comfortable (our family's experience of Manchester hospitals has been positive) ♥️🙏😊👍

    1. Not quite done and dusted, but another week or so and it should be ... phew!

      She's in Wythenshawe Hospital and as comfortable as she can be, thank you. xx

  2. So sorry to hear about your Mum. Ditto everything Angela says,xx

    Will be thinking of you all.

  3. Goodness, what a hectic time you've been having - so sorry to hear about your Mum, hope she gets out again soon.

    1. It's been a bit busy to say the least. Thanks 🙂xx

  4. Sorry to hear about your mum. What a transformation on the lawn. Love the chocolate poster.

    1. Thanks. It took the strimmer, then the mower but Alan tamed it in the end. 😄

  5. Sorry to hear about your mum. Quite right on letting the challenge slip a wee bit. Enjoy that chocolate!! :-) xxx

  6. Hope your Mum improves soon. Challenges and plans are all well and good, but life does have a habit of getting in the way! Never mind, you're doing well regardless, sometimes we just have to go with the flow. Congrats on the flat sale. xx

  7. I hope your Mum recovers soon and the flat sale goes well. Quite right to end the challenge. Enjoy your chocolates!

  8. A stressful time. Best wishes to you and your family.

  9. So sorry to hear about your Mum. Eat the chocolate, drink the wine-tomorrow is another day. Catriona

  10. Thinking of your mum and you too. Maeve Xx

  11. Sorry to hear about your mum. Look after yourself.

  12. I am sorry your mum has been in the hospital. How is she doing?

  13. 'The best laid plans . . .' and all that. Wishing you a more positive time for the next few weeks . . .

  14. Sorry about your mom and now the flat adding to the stress! It never rains but it pours! Do what you need to do to get through this time in one piece and if wine and chocolate are needed - go for it!

  15. I do hope that your mum improves soon. Enjoy your chocolate and take care of yourself.

  16. The best plans are ones you can abandon and return to with no long term harm done.
    I'm very sorry your mother has had a worrying time - I do hope she gets better soon.

  17. sorry to hear about your Mum. I do hope she improves quickly and is back home. Congrats on the flat selling too. Enjoy the chocolate and wine!!

  18. I am so sorry to read about your Mom. At times like this most things are thrown out the window.

    God bless.

  19. I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum Sue. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery and your Mum will soon be back home♥ Take good care xx

  20. What a stressful time you've had of it. I do hope your Mum gets well soon. Well done on selling your Welsh flat. xxx

  21. Thanks for all the comments, you lovely lot. Mum is finally starting to improve a little bit, it's been a concerning time. But we think she's turned a corner now.

  22. Sorry only just seen this, I do hope your Mum continues to improve x
    Alison in Wales x


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