Thursday 30 May 2024

Inside the Book Cupboard ... and the Straggler Books


The bottom half of the large bookcase is the 'book cupboard', they are not hidden from view because they are bad, special or for any other particular reason.  It purely that there are two more shelves in there that I can use.  

And where there are shelves in my opinion there should be books.  😁

There are a total of 87 books in here ... not counting the ration book and a few assorted WWII leaflets.

With the other books out of the way, here are the books on the shelves.

And here are the ones that don't fit in neat lines and usually reside in front of the others.

So this piece of furniture is actually holding a grand total of 240 books, no wonder I love it so much. It has been very useful since I bought it way back in 2008 as a display area used in my tiny shop, and it's survived six moves as we have changed our lifestyle and our homes.

This is my little green bookcase on the living room wall.  It holds 17 books.

The radiator shelves also has 17 books on it.

And finally in the living room, my plant is on top of 4 more books.

It's been nice having a good count up of my books and moving some around a bit as I found some that were in the wrong place and needed to be back with their friends.

There's just the cook books left to have a dust and a count of but I don't think I have made many purchases of cookbooks recently, so that could just be the same number as last time I did a little stocktake.  But I'll still share the photos if you are interested and for posterity.

Sue xx


  1. Curious to know whether as well as totalling the books you keep an inventory - title author date of publication?
    When read - reread - reference notes for non fiction…..all that sort of stuff

    1. No I don't list them in any way, I just try to keep like with like and all an author's books together. I pretty much know every book I've got as I do this 'tidy and photograph' thing regularly.

      I just read and re-read when I fancy a particular book or genre. I rarely keep fiction books once I've read them unless they are very good.

  2. I'm trying to declutter my books, but, it is a struggle!

    1. I find books the hardest thing to part with, they're like little paper friends. 😂

  3. Such a lovely sight, full book shelves.
    However, it reminds me that a good sort out is long overdue. Oh, dear.

    1. You can sort and clean, but be nice to your friends don't kick too many of them out into the cold. ;-)

  4. I have lots of craft books and patterns in magazine folders in the cupboard and they are due a declutter next.Catriona

    1. It's good to go through folders every now and then isn't it. I had lots of recipe cuttings in folders and going through them a while ago I realised I would NEVER get around to making a lot of the recipes ... it was an easy declutter.

  5. I'm always fascinated by my friends' bookshelves. I spy several of my favourites, Cheryl Strayed's Wild, Graham Swift's Mothering Sunday and Rachel Joyce's Unlikely Pilgrimage. My mum used to love Helen Forrester's books
    I went in a charity shop today where they'd colour-coded their books, my head couldn't deal with that! Books are sacred, not ornamental! xxx

    1. I really don't get on with colour coded books. Maybe great for a photo shoot ... but put those books back with their family, not with their colour coded friends immediately afterward. Imagine if I separated Nigel's books from each other ... noooo!!!

      Helen Forresters books are the perfect Sunday afternoon read. ❤️

  6. Just caught up with this - I absolutely love Helen Forrester books
    Alison in Wales x

    1. They are so easy to read aren't they, and so true to life because most of them are autobiographical and even the ones that aren't are based on true events and the people she knew.

  7. Viewing your books always makes me smile:) I so love books♥

    1. I'm glad, viewing other people's books makes me smile too, more people should share their bookcases. :-)


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