Saturday 11 May 2024

Happy Birthday Sweet Potatoes ... and Two More Shopping Trips


I was pondering what to have for lunch yesterday and looked through the cupboards and then the little basket drawers of the small unit, and guess what I found ... two sweet potatoes.  

I don't remember buying these I thought, how old can they be?  Anyway, although they were tired and dry looking I gave them a quick wash, peeled and chopped them and gave them ten minutes in the air fryer after tossing them with some oil, salt, pepper and dried parsley.

They were delicious and made me a nice light lunch.

They were also just under four months old as I have just found out by scrolling through all the posts marked 'Shopping' on this blog.  See this blog post for when I bought them.

Happy almost four month Birthday sweet potatoes, sorry for leaving you for so long!!

To round off this week I thought I would show you the rest of my little shopping trips.

On Tuesday evening Alan was going to Aldi and asked if I wanted to join him, so even though I had been to Sainsbury's that morning I said 'yes' ... well it would have been rude not too.  😁

I needed a sliced loaf to go into the freezer, but the rest of the things, except for the paracetamol, were just treaty things that I fancied.  I have been wanting to try these brioche burger buns for a long time and there they were for the first time in our Aldi.

Along with wine, crisps and cornetto's, it's a tasty little shop for sure.

A total cost of £13.88.

Then on Wednesday morning it was another freebie day at Booths.  

As I was passing to go to the hairdressers and needed some Pontefract Cakes for Mum it would have been mad not to go in and claim my little freebie.  This week a small bottle of tonic water, I don't drink gin ... but I do like tonic.

The Pontefract Cakes were £1.75 a bag or two bags for £3, so as I like them too I bought two bags, one to go in with my budget and one as a gift for Mum.

I forgot to leave the pack of six bottles of S. Pellegrino out on the worktop, so it didn't make it into the photo ... but it looked a lot like this.

I buy these about every six months to have in the car when we are travelling, once I have drunk the original contents I refill and refill, over and over again with cheap Aldi sparkling water.  At six two litre bottles for just £1.99, this way it's better for my pocket and better for the environment than lots of little 'posh' bottles.  I used to drink a LOT of sparkling water, but now when I'm at home it's nearly always tap water, which I store in a litre sized glass bottle in the fridge.  But tap water when out and about and it gets tepid is not quite so tasty.

So this week's Total Spend is £28.36 ... and one freebie worth £1.

And now it's time for coffee.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Sue xx


  1. I enjoy seeing what you buy in the grocery stores. I had to look up Pontefract Cakes; first time I have heard of them. :)

    1. They are a very old sweet in the UK. My Mum used to go to the shop to buy little 2oz paper bags of them for her Dad just after the war, and he rewarded her with one for herself when she got back. Old family memories all wrapped up in a sweet. ❤️

  2. It is nice to spoil yourself now and again. I too love Pontefract cakes but have to limit myself when eating them.

    1. I daren't have the bag next to me when I'm reading, they would all just vanish. 😄

  3. 4 months!! They lasted well. I'm a bit ambivalent about sweet potatoes, they're a bit - well - too sweet for me! Sprinkling them with black pepper and smoked paprika seems to work well to counteract some of the sweetness though.

    1. I was a bit shocked when I realised how long I had had them. They were tasty, but I'm guessing not as nutritious as when they were fresher. 🙂

  4. The sweet potato chips look great despite being rather aged 😀
    I don't mind what sort of water I drink but it has to be very cold. Husband loves liquorice in any format but dental bills put us off all chewy sweets now, I still miss Haribo etc!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I bought chopped, dried liquorice root to make the drink liquorice water, which is quite sweet and pleasant.

    2. 😍 X
      Alison x

    3. Alison - I'm okay with room temperature sparkling water, hence me using these bottles for travelling, but tap water has to be nice and cold. 😀

    4. Nelliegrace - That sounds amazing, I have never had liquorice water. ❤️

  5. I have never had sweet potato fries, Hubby says they taste wonderful.

    God bless.

    1. They are a nice change from regular fries, but a little too sweet for me really. I find myself putting too much salt on them, which isn't really good.

  6. Your sweet potatoes look delicious-the air fryer can make an appetising meal with very little effort. Catriona

    1. It really can, dried up , old sweet potatoes to tasty fries in less than fifteen minutes. 😀

  7. Love sweet potatoes, fried, mashed, roasted♥

    1. They're slightly too sweet for me, but it's nice to have them once in a while. Perhaps next time I'm fancying them I'll buy them and eat them on the same day. 😄

  8. Aren't blogs brilliant for checking back and seeing how long you've owned something, although in my case it's dresses rather than potatoes!
    Love a sweet potato in any incarnation. I had mine mashed last night! xxx

    1. This blog is proving invaluable at showing me how bad I am at buying food because I fancy it at the time ... and then forgetting all about it. 😂


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