Monday 10 June 2024

Seemingly, I'm an Adult


All true, with some variations.

I've been really poorly with a bout of flu ... and lost only 1lb.

Oh yes, I like to sleep.

Most things hurt ... but my ears and knees are fine. 😄

Comfort most definitely before style, flat shoes are my go to, and jeans and tops my uniform.

Students do look ridiculously young, and my Mum's hospital Doctor is just a smidge older than my grandson!!

My favourite spatulas.  😀

Sue xx


  1. Sorry to read you've been unwell. Flu is really nasty, isn't it? Take it easy and get well soon.
    (I'm adult too, for sure - but no flu) xx

  2. Hope you are better soon.

    The "adult' thing - oh yes 🤣 but you missed one important extra:
    inability to put up with idiots and tendency to just walk off when people are being daft and spouting nonsense

  3. People often say they've had flu, when really they've just had a cold - proper flu is awful, makes you feel really ill. I hope you're getting over it now. Being an adult - yes, all of that, but also going teetotal when I finally admit that I just don't like the taste of alcohol, after all these years! And changing over to non-underwired bras because they're just so much more comfortable!

  4. Hope you are feeling better. Yes, all of those, so I am adult too.

  5. My husband had surgery for appendicitis and I swear the surgeon was 12 years old!…..

  6. Oh yes, with you on all points. Get well soon x
    Alison in Wales x

  7. I'm sorry you've not been well and hope you're firing on all cylinders again very soon.
    I can't identify with any of those things on your list which must mean I'm still a teenager! xxx

  8. My pronouns are old and creaky.

  9. Hope you feel better soon. Take care-we had it in April and it really floored me. Catriona

  10. I hope you and your Mum are both feeling much better, take good care ♥

  11. Sorry you’ve been sick. Feel better soon.
    I very much enjoy this comfortable shoe time of life. Yes, I have a favorite spatula and a favorite paring knife too. ~ Carol

  12. I hope that you start to feel better very soon. I often wonder how I actually was able to walk in heels. Give me flats or wedges any day.

    God bless.

  13. Agree with all of those. Hope you feel better soon.

  14. Hope you feel better, soon. Yes, I'm definitely an adult and I feel it in my bones and joints!

  15. This made me chuckle :) During covid I lost 10 lbs. As soon as I felt better I ate ice cream and it all came back. My husband just goes a few days without eating a snack and he loses 10 lbs and keeps it off for a year.

  16. A couple of years back I was awaiting my appointment with my new doctor. This very young looking girl/woman dressed all in pink and with a pony tail came out and called in a few people from the waiting room. The rest of us all looked at each other and mouthed "Is she the doctor"? - I swear, she looked 16 at best! But she is a wonderful doctor and she had the good grace to just laugh at us all when we all commented on her age. Get well soon.

  17. So sorry to hear you have been laid low with flu. It's horrible. I hope both you and your mum are feeling much better.
    Yes, I agree with the meme and all commenters above! Angie x

  18. Yep, favourite spatula ( its orange ), flat shoes and going to bed early - to sleep - being something I look forward to every day.
    Very sorry to hear you've been poorly; I hope you're feeling much better now. x

  19. Feel better Sue. Hope your mom is improving.


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