Friday 28 June 2024

Sadness Comes

Art - William K. Blacklock - 'Hot Toast'

Sadness came to tea last night
as she’s often done before
but I didn’t let her in this time
I stopped her at the door
“I’m off to meet with friends”, I said
“your timing isn’t right
I can’t allow your atmosphere
it’s not the place tonight”
but sadness wouldn’t take the hint
her manners lack finesse
her pace was slow and heavy
yet she kept up nonetheless
and even when I took my place
amongst my laughing friends
she squeezed herself right in-between
her boldness never ends
and I was sure my friends would see
this spectre at the feast
and somehow think me lesser
for inviting such a beast
but no, their warmth was undeterred
as if nothing was new
I think perhaps they know by now
I sometimes come as two
and even sadness seemed to glow
a lighter shade of grey
to know that she’s accepted
seemed to lighten up her day
so let your sad accompany you
don’t think her hard to bear
no need to face her all alone
just pull an extra chair.

Donna Ashworth
‘Sadness comes’

There's no need to worry, and no I'm not particularly sad, but I saw this and really loved it ... so I thought I would share. ๐Ÿ’–

Sue xx


  1. That's lovely Sue, it's full of hope. And I'm glad you're ok x

    1. I'm fine, I was just letting everyone know that for definite. Because whenever I share a poem like this people jump to the conclusion that it must be me I'm talking about. I just like poetry and art, and it doesn't always have to relate to the headspace I'm in at the moment I read or share it. ๐Ÿ˜„

  2. I'm glad that there is no cause for sadness. That is a nice poem and the artwork is lovely, too.

    1. The artwork is gorgeous isn't it, and it reminded me that I left my toasting fork behind when we moved from our smallholding!!

  3. Thanks for sharing. Catriona

  4. That is very lovely and comforting too.
    Alison in Wales x

  5. I particularly love the first four lines and the painting matches them perfectly.

    1. It really does, keep sadness outside and make some lovely toast instead ❤️xx

  6. "I think perhaps they know by now
    I sometimes come as two"

    This is an exquisite verse.

    1. Those few words just say it all don't they, they are very powerful.

  7. Love it. And sometimes we can really stop the sadness before it takes over, other times we just have to roll with it.

  8. I loved this, thank you for sharing. xx

  9. What a lovely poem.

    God bless.

  10. How comforting to know friends accept me into the group whether .sad or not. Lynda from Iowa, USA

  11. Beautiful poem. I love Donna's words, big fan here♥


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