Wednesday 24 July 2024

Day Three - I'm Trying to Eat My Vegetables ... Honest!!


Breakfast on day three of this little 'use it all up challenge' was another round of 'bacon and egg on toast'.  I find this really filling and very satisfying even though it doesn't look very much.  I had a glass of fresh orange juice with it to make things a bit more healthy.  That was the last two slices of the Quorn Smoky Ham.

I think I have about one glass of orange left for another day.  I have phases when I really fancy fresh orange juice and then I stop drinking it for months at a time.  I think I'm about to stop.

Lunch was quite late as breakfast kept me satisfied for ages.  

I decided on the last three of the chunky fish fingers I bought from Morrisons the other week, they had been thrown in the freezer for safekeeping.  As I wasn't that hungry I just had a bit of a 'token salad' with my bun (which came from the freezer).  It's surprising how adding just that amount of freshness to a meal really lifts it.

To bring up the vegetable content of the day I decided to have one of my homemade pasta sauce pots from the freezer, along with half a pack of Deliciously Ella's Tagliolini.  It's made with added turmeric so it gives everything this lovely golden colour.  It was delicious and very filling, and cooking it in the oven so that the pasta absorbed lots of the sauce and the added vegetables were really soft, made it a dreamy meal to eat while watching a particularly blood-thirsty edition of Dexter.

Anyone else eat faster when they are watching something exciting?

Not a bad third day at all, and although the fridge food is going down there's still some tasty things to pick from.  😀

Sue xx


  1. You are doing really well and there's a lot of variety in your meals. I'm trying to do the 30 plant based foods/week and not doing too well because I tend to cook once and eat leftovers for several meals and because I am not that fond of vegetables!

    1. That's a coincidence, I have just finished reading Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's book about eating 30 different plants in a week. Don't forget to include all the herbs and spices that you put into your recipes and meals, I hadn't realised that they all counted towards the total. 😀

    2. They don't count towards the 'five a day' thing but definitely do for the 30 plant based a week . . . really ought to start counting, just out of interest. I'm not sure I manage 30.
      Lovely grub! xx

    3. I realise they are not any of your 5 a day, just part of the 30 different plants in a week. Also nuts and seeds. I bet you do manage 30 Joy if you add everything up. 🙂

  2. I eat more slowly if watching TV and it's gory. I enjoy CSI, but not at mealtimes.

    1. I always seem to choose the wrong episodes to watch when I'm eating. 😂

  3. I love the Ella dish-just my cup of tea! Catriona

    1. It was so tasty. Her dried pasta is expensive compared to others but it's delicious and I get three meals from each 250g pack ... so not too bad really. 😀

  4. I find if I'm watching something absorbing on TV, I don't necessarily eat faster, but just eat mindlessly - so find I have an empty plate and not much recollection of having eaten, let alone tasted anything. So I try not to watch TV whilst eating (bit difficult when it's always on!).

    1. I would love to be able to sit at a table to eat. I really miss that, but unfortunately there's no space for a table and chairs here.

  5. You're doing really well, Sue.
    I bought myself some of that 'ham' yesterday. Guess what I'll be having for lunch :)


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