Tuesday 23 July 2024

Day Two - Forgetting to Take Photos ... and the Perks of a Long Snout


Here's the lovely Mavis showing what was left of my breakfast.  😄

I get five portions of yogurt out of one of these large Alpro tubs, so on the final day I simply chop my banana and spoon some peanut butter straight into the tub, anything to save washing up is good in my opinion.  Alan came in and asked me something while I was chopping and spooning so I completely forgot to grab the camera and get a quick photo of my breakfast in it's receptacle.

I also forgot to photograph my lunch but it was beans on toast.  I got this photo when I was decanting beans into my little Gu pots before the challenge started.  I had already eaten the contents of one, one was on the worktop when I took the photo of the food in the fridge and one is shown in the fridge photo.  So if you are following this ... I have one more left.

I find a third of a tin of beans is the perfect sized portion for me and happily that is exactly what fits into these handy little pots.

After lunch I checked through all the contents of the vegetable drawer more closely and decided to prep some things.  So the celery was chopped and washed and the offcuts put into a bag for the freezer to be turned into soup in the distant future.  The celery sticks are now in a Stayfresh bag back in the drawer.   The peppers really needed to be used so I chopped them up along with the squishiest of the large tomatoes and the garlic, added some dried herbs, spices and olive oil and put them in the oven to roast.

Later a portion of the roasted veg went onto some brown rice and I served it with the remaining salmon fillet for my tea.  

I have enough roasted veg for possibly two more meals in the fridge.  I'm thinking maybe a pizza and a quiche.  So that's day two of using what I have and making good use of what's in the fridge.  

Oh, and I did slightly better from the store-cupboard today, after all the beans and the rice both originally came from there, although these particular beans had been in the fridge and the rice lives in a large jar on the shelves once opened.

There are perks to being a Jack Russell with a long thin snout ... she can reach the bottom with a bit of effort.  Nothing wasted.

Sue xx


  1. This made me smile. My dog always used to clean out my yoghurt pots like this :)

    1. It's a tasty, healthy treat for them isn't it. She's much braver these days, she used to be so scared of putting her face in the pot. ❤️

  2. Those Gu pots and Pringles lids are so handy!
    You're doing brilliantly! xx

    1. They are a match made in heaven ... and were a good excuse to eat Pringles in the past. 😄

  3. I ~love~ that picture of Mavis, reminds me of Daisy sticking her (equally) long nose into a coffee mug so that she could get the remains of the foamed milk. 💚 🐾 💚

    1. Aww, I remember Rosy doing that to finish off Alan's cup of tea. She loved tea. 🐾❤️🐾

  4. You’re doing well so far and the roasted veg dish looked delicious. Catriona

    1. I'm pleased with how it's going, it does seem to make me a lot more focused on what I eat when I do a challenge, which can only be a good thing. :-)

  5. My Betty can't get her face inside anything like that, as she's a brachycephalic dog - poor thing! Not that she misses out - she likes yogurt too, I give her some in a bowl sometimes. And tea (made with lactose-free milk) in a bowl too. Thank you for the Aldi tinned red salmon mention - I got a couple of tins today. xx

    1. Yes, Suky was the same. She always got first lick of containers and pots and then Mavis would finish them off. 😄

      They are good sized tins of red salmon for the price aren't they, and very tasty too.

  6. Great job Mavis♥ I love beans on toast but as I've aged I now put the beans on the side !

    1. I keep meaning to do this, but every time I pour the beans on top of the toast and THEN remember my intention. 😂

  7. That's a cute photo of Mavis enjoying her yogurt! You are coming along well with your challenge.

    1. It's making me think about my food a bit more and stopping me from just grabbing snacks ... which can only be a good thing. 😀


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