Monday 2 September 2024

The Books That I Read in August


The first book of the month, a week into August actually, was this one ... of course I had to 'style' it a little bit for the photo.  😄

I used to read a lot of 'house' and 'style' books when my job involved merchandising shop windows and laying out the interiors of both the shops that I managed and the shops that I owned, mostly borrowed from libraries as some of them were very expensive volumes.  But over recent years I really haven't wanted to.  I barely remember buying this, but it was nice to have a read through it.

For now it's back on my shelves, but it may not stay there.

The Marmalade Diaries by Ben Aitken

Next I read this book, it is highly recommended and I took my time, savouring the laugh out loud moments and his brilliant and very observant writing.  Set out in diary format it was an easy book to pick up and put down over the course of a very busy month.

A definite keeper, I have all his books.

How I Lived a Year on Just a Pound a Day by Kath Kelly

My final book of the month was this one, a re-read that I really enjoyed. (It's only available in the used section on Amazon now though.)  Last time I read it I remember acting on many of her suggestions in the run up to Christmas.  I have just looked up when we did the 'free nights out' and it turns out that this was a re-re-read.

Here is my first re-read on my other blog.

I wonder if it is still possible to do this sort of thing, I bet it is, but living on just £1 a day ... virtually impossible even just for food I think.  But I might give it a go again.  😀

Not many books this month, but two of my favourites are now vying for the top five spot that I will be choosing at the end of the year.

Sue xx

I would just like to point out, that although I provide links to Amazon for all the books that I read each month, not all my books are bought from Amazon.  If they are some of them were bought from the Used section rather than full price.  

I share the links so that you can learn more about the books that I write about for yourself, or read reviews from others that have read them.  Of course most of the books I talk about would also be available from your local library, and if you are very lucky you might even find them in charity or thrift shops.  

There are so many ways to bring books into your home if you love reading. 📚


  1. Thank you for the books, I've reserved The Marmalade Diaries: at my library

    1. It's a good read, Alan kept coming in to see what I was laughing at. 😄

  2. Unlike you, I found Kath Kelly's book really annoying! I read it fifteen years ago, (ust before we took on a mortgage which ate up a huge proportion of our income.) My main gripe, according to the review I wrote back then, was her attitude which appeared to be focused on her self. She wouldn't give to a collection at work, yet was constantly looking for freebies from other people

    1. I found it just the opposite. She felt guilty at only dropping 'pennies' into the work collections, but made cakes and took cheap biscuits in for the tea breaks She didn't accept any free drinks in pubs when she was out with friends, just asking for tap or free soda water with ice. She made up picnics from yellow stickered food for get-togethers and for her first date with Bruce. I thought she tackled it all really well.

  3. Some interesting books there but I'm afraid that Kath Kelly one would make me feel incredibly guilty!


  4. Interesting books and I have re read/ given away lots of my craft books in August because I needed to see what was still useful for me. Doing some prepping and forward planning for my craft class for the term-DH says I should remember that this is a voluntary role!! Catriona

    1. It sounds like you are like me, you give your all whether it is a paid job or a voluntary one. 😀

  5. I think I would enjoy reading any one of those books. Xx

    1. Yes, although I only read three books last month, two of them were really good one. Quality over quantity is always a good thing. :-)

  6. I'm fascinated by the idea of more frugal living but I'm very inconsistent 😀😉
    Hoping you give us some money saving tips in the run up to Christmas Sue, I always overspend then!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It's very difficult to stay consistent isn't it, I think we are all programmed almost to have a splurge now and then. Living frugally the majority of the time means that it's not the end of the world when it happens. The advertisers ramp up the 'must haves' so much at Christmas time (and other holiday times too) that it's hard to stay on the straight and narrow.

  7. The books you read sound very interesting. I mostly read romance novels, in August! :D

    1. They are such an easy and relaxing read in Summer aren't they. I nearly always read romance novels if I go away on holiday, that way I can leave them behind for someone else to read as I rarely re-read them.

  8. I wonder even now how anyone could live on a pound a day. The idea of living on $2.00 a day here in Canada scares me as things are so very expensive.

    God bless.

    1. She managed it really well, it took her a while to get into and it was quite a few years ago, I doubt she could manage it the way prices are, even here in the UK now.

  9. The Marmalade Diaries sounds like a great book. Oh dear I feel the need to read this book😉

    1. It's a very good book, I'll probably read it again in the future.

  10. Another extremely interesting post Sue, thank you. Like you, I used to look at 'style' books but these days have no need or desire.

    Before I buy any book on Amazon I tend to search World of Books for a second-hand copy, might take a bit longer to arrive but by being careful I have had some terrific bargains in excellent condition.

    1. Yes quite a lot of my 'Amazon' books were in fact purchased from World of Books or other companies (or individuals) selling their books through an Amazon Used shop. I've had some brilliant bargains.


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