Tuesday 24 September 2024

My £2 a Day Food Shopping Challenge - Bonus Day - Day Eight & Leftovers


This is the photo that I showed you yesterday, so what did I do with the leftovers?

I decided that carrying them forward to begin another Challenge would skew the results of that Challenge, it's always better to start afresh.  So they had to simply disappear into my usual food or be used to make another days meals.

I made another days meals.  😀

Breakfast - Toast and Jam

This is the same photo as the first day as I had exactly the same breakfast, even cutting the toast into the same shape, so it seems crazy to have to take another photo.

For my lunch I decided to make some more soup, using the 
fresh ingredients.

It looked quite good when it was all nicely chopped and freshly in the pan.  After half an hours simmering away it looked like a pan of pond scum. 😕

But once whizzed up it looked better again.

I toasted two slices of the bread and had one myself with this bowl of soup and took the rest of the soup and the other slice of toast round to Alan, who had just stopped work for lunch.

I decided to use the last of the cheese, my leftover third of the onion and the last remaining carrot, which I grated, to make a sandwich filling, along with the last of the mayo and lots of salt and pepper.

My last two slices of bread and some of the sandwich filling made for a tasty evening meal, after a very hectic day.

All that was left to eat up from the fresh leftovers was my final apple, and along with a nice cup of coffee it made for a tasty supper and brought me up to over twelve of my five a day.  😃

The actual final leftovers, which I am quite happy just to eat alongside my usual food, and of course there's that jar of sandwich filling shown in the tea-time photo.


240g SR Flour
125g Pasta
jar of Sandwich Filling

Total Spend for this week £13.92 ... so 8p over too.

I was going to go straight into another '£14 All in One Go' challenge, but this will have to wait a while now as we have had a bit of a rough weekend, with Mum being rushed into hospital after a fall early on Saturday morning.  She was discharged after an overnight stay, only to be taken back in the very next night in identical circumstances.  We have sadly reached the conclusion that with her diminishing physical and mental limitations, her time at home living independently, even with help from carers has to come to an end.

I'll be blogging as and when I can, but the odds of me being able to concentrate and see through a challenge whilst also working and being available to travel at the drop of a hat are not good.  We'll just have to see how things go and take one day at a time, and that is all any of us can do.

Sue xx


  1. It did tickle me about the pan of cooked veggies looking like pond scum before being whizzed. You are so right, it can look unappetising.
    Sending sympathy and a hug your way in this current situation with your Mum, it's extremely challenging. I know that everyone on here is going to say we completely understand that your blogging and challenges will take a back seat while you have so much going on. Take care of yourselves.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Oh gosh, it looked so unappetising when it was cooked up, possibly due to the cucumber being in it. It tasted fine, not the best soup I've ever made but nutritious and very edible.

      Thanks for your kind words. ❤️

  2. Ditto what Alison said above. Thinking of you, Sue. Sooze x

  3. Home made soup can look most discouraging but, invariably, tastes delicious.
    Really sorry to read about your mum - I totally agree with what ALison said above and send my best wishes to you all. xx

    1. Oh this looked VERY discouraging at first, but it turned out passable, just! I don't think cucumbers are really designed to go into soup. :-)

      Thanks. xx

  4. Sorry to hear about your Mum. Hope you can sort out care for her very soon. Thank goodness you are nearer than you were when in Wales.

    1. Thanks. If she comes out of hospital, it will have to be to a nursing home. We are nearer distance wise but with virtually the same travelling times unfortunately, but hey it's closer than when we lived in Oxfordshire. :-)

  5. Hello , sorry to hear about your mum . Wishing her and you the very best. I’m so impressed with this challenge , mainly because I’m such a snacker!! How do you manage the munchies? 😀

    1. Thank you. I find I don't get the munchies if I'm eating 'real food', the minute I start on any sort of snack foods then I really do get the urge to snack more and more. It only takes me a day to get back on track, usually by reaching for a banana or apple instead of a chocolate bar.

  6. Sorry, my name is Jane

  7. Very sorry to hear about your mum. Hope you can find a care solution for her soon. Maeve x

    1. Thanks, it will have to be a nursing home if she is able to come out of hospital. Three times thinking she can get out of bed herself over the course of three days, and then falling each time is three times too many.

  8. Sorry to hear about your mum. Take care and we will still be here when you are ready to come back.

    1. Thank you. I should still be able to blog as and when I can, but it's committing to something that needs to be done regularly that would prove difficult. If anything blogging is a way of getting things down on the keyboard that are not work related, it takes me out of myself ... that's possibly why I've bored everyone with all my drivel for so long. ;-)

  9. Well done with the challenge. I have to say, I am a cucumber addict and would just have eaten all that was left in one go! and not put it in soup. But hey, the finished article - once whizzed - tasted ok.

    So sorry to hear about your mum. Worrying times and I hope you can find a good nursing home for her. Blog when you can, we will all understand.

  10. So sorry to hear about your Mum. Sue. We went through this decision with my Mum and it’s not easy. Take care of yourselves and hope your Mum can find a place that will help to keep her safe. Catriona

  11. Well done with extending the challenge to include another day's meals, even if the soup didn't look too good after cooking (before being blended).
    Very sorry to hear about your mother falling three times in as many days. I hope you are able to find a good nursing home/assisted living facility for her. Definitely agree with you that this is not the time for another challenge. Take care of yourself while you are trying to take care of your mother.

  12. Thinking of you all. Our neighbour is in the same sort of situation - she fell (again) in the early hours of Sunday morning. It's a difficult decision, to move from "visiting carers" to "living in care" Especially when you've been in the home for over 50 years and it is familiar, and full of memories. May you all have wisdom, grace and patience. And forget food challenges, concentrate on the bigger things this week. 💛👍🙏


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