Saturday 7 September 2024

Disappointment, Grapefruit, Art and Laughs


Alan brought me a present when he nipped out to Booths one day last week.  A £5 pack of biscotti type biscuits.  FIVE POUNDS ... I thought they would be magically tasty, but they are boringly bog standard. 

What a disappointment, but what a lovely thing for him to do.  💖

I have to say I am loving being able to eat grapefruit again.  

The doctor has had me on all different kinds of blood pressure tablets over the past year or so, desperately trying to get me to a more normal reading range.  The last one was the sort that you can't eat or drink anything to do with grapefruit.  As this is one of my favourite breakfasts this has been hard, so I gave all but one of the last of my rather large stash to Alan to stop me from giving in to temptation.

  Now that my tablets have changed to the last available one it seems that they do not react in any way with my second favourite fruit and I can once again eat it.  I might have to go and claim back a couple of my tins from Alan's cupboard.  

He won't notice ... will he? 

I have to say I am loving these memes that I keep coming across, the ones using old oil paintings as the background.  What a brilliant way to discover art and laughs.  😄

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Sue xx


  1. I lost my sense of smell with covid, and it has partially come back now. The first thing I really smelled again was my SILs grapefruit hand-wash. As I can only eat grapefruit occasionally (GP said now and then is OK) this discovery thrilled me so much I bought my own bottle just so I could sniff it and rejoice. OK I know that's weird, but it is a simple pleasure.

    1. As someone who also has zero sense of smell since having covid, I understand completely. I am currently on my third round of smell therapy try and get it back, but it's not working so far. I used to have a very sensitive sense of smell, but now nothing for over two years. 😔

  2. I take a statin so no grapefruit for me either. Enjoy eating again. Catriona

    1. I have always refused statins. I was surprised to see that some BP medications also react badly with grapefruit.

  3. Tinned grapefruit - lovely.
    Love the meme too x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It's much better value and easier to cope with first thing in the morning than the real fruit is. And I get three portions out of every tin, bargain!!

  4. I used to love to drink Fresca which was a diet grapefruit soda. Can't since I'm on statins, too. [First time commenter on your blog.]

    1. Welcome to the comments section of my blog. 😀 I have refused statins for so long that it's on my notes not to ask me anymore. Half of the doctors at our practice agree with me completely, and the other half just keep quiet. 😄

  5. I can't take grapefruit but, for me, that's not a hardship. I'm glad you can have it again though. xx

    1. I think it was doing that strange diet that Alan wanted to do a few years back that got me hooked on grapefruit, and without lots of sugar like I used to add years ago.

  6. Too bad the biscotti wasn't that special for the amount paid for them. I'm not a big fan of grapefruit, but, I'm glad that you are able to enjoy them, again. :)

    1. I was really expecting them to be delicious for that price. :-(

  7. You've got me craving grapefruit now! x

  8. I'm not a fan of grapefruit although I have a pink grapefruit reed diffuser and I've just bought a pink grapefruit 100% pure essential oil🩷

    1. I used to sell a lot of grapefruit essential oil back in my little shop. It was pretty popular, something I hadn't realised when I first started selling the oils.


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