Wednesday 11 September 2024

Catch Up - Last Weeks Shopping and This Week's Shopping


Last weeks shopping, done on Friday ... can you tell it was a scorching hot day.  

Perhaps that day was called 'Summer', everyone was in Sainsbury's buying up cold drinks, alcohol, barbecue foods and ice-cream.  I guess I sort of joined in as I grabbed some dairy-free ice-cream options before the freezers emptied completely, although it was more in a get the makings for sandwiches kind of way for the food.  

We were going to Mum's on the Sunday and she had requested corned beef and tomato sandwiches, luckily Alan already had some slices of corned beef, so I got myself some Quorn ham-free slices, so I could have a similar lunch, and a couple of fish fillets so we could have homemade fish and chips when we got back.  Much cheaper than the temptation of the chippy.  πŸ˜€

A Total Spend of £15.30.

Then I called into Sainsbury's yesterday to drop off some puppy training pads to the animal shelter's collection trolley, so while I was there I thought I would shelter from the rain and pick up a few bits.  

As I nearly always do I wandered the aisles, noting prices, looking at offers etc. then I spotted that my favourite tissues were on offer again a twin pack for £2.50 instead of the usual £4, just like they were in April (see HERE)

As I was on the last box of the previous purchase I decided to stock up again, saving myself £6 in total, it really does make sense taking advantage of these offers doesn't it.  Hopefully, these should now last me for the rest of the year.

So, spending-wise I'm doing much better this month, managing to stay well under my budget again, and as I have a little challenge that will mean another low spend lined up for next week, I should be able to see this month out with a bit more of a cash safety blanket back in my little money pot.

Sue xx


  1. Looks like a good haul - and makes sense to buy 6 months worth of tissues at that price, not like they have an expiry date 😜.

    1. Definitely, although give the manufacturers half a chance and they will think of a reason for adding one. :-)

  2. You were lucky. Last Friday it was pelting it down where I was. ABsolutely shocking most of the time!

    Good hauls . . . xx

    1. The weather seems to be so completely variable in different areas this year, more so than usual. Last night and today we have torrential rain, and we are right down to eight degrees.

  3. Niw that the hayfever season is hopefully over, your tissues should last for a while. Catriona

    1. Hopefully, yes. But it's been a long hayfever season this year hasn't it. I seem to have mine pretty much under control these days.

  4. What are the No Chicken Kyiv's made of? It looks like chicken.

    1. According to the box it's 'rice flakes, wheat and pea protein'. I've not tried these before I'll try and remember to report back when I do. But looking at the ingredients list the 'pea protein' makes up just 0.5% of the finished product!! Very highly processed but worth a try.

    2. Hmm...well, like you said, worth a try!

  5. That's a good buy on the tissues - and that brand is nice and soft if you get a sore snoz!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. They are the only ones that don't leave me with a sore, red nose, and they are not a bad price when they are on offer. :-)

  6. Just looking at your ice creams made me shiver - although it's sunny, it's blimmin chilly here, definitely not ice cream weather!

    1. It was scorching hot when I bought them, but now it's very cold, windy and wet here today. I guess they are going to last me a while as desserts πŸ˜„

  7. You got a great deal on those tissues.
    The weather on Friday was gorgeous, wasn't it. Saturday was warm, as well.
    I thought of you as I passed by on my way to Blackpool. Xx

    1. It's a good offer, and it appears that it comes around at least twice a year. πŸ™‚

      Friday was brilliant, Saturday dry and sunny but we could see the clouds coming in later on, and then it all went to pot on Sunday. Hope you had a good time in Blackpool, that's where my youngest son lives. But we tend to avoid it at this time of year. Far too much traffic and too many humans. πŸ˜‚

  8. I could eat the tomatoes and the banana and use the lemon. My last shop at Asda was a small trolley of seasonal British vegetables, some fruit, flour, seeds, nuts, plain fish, milk and coffee beans, £23 spent. We have eggs from the hens, we make kefir, we are picking apples and blackberries. Real Food. Ingredients my grandmother would recognise.

    1. I do miss shopping at Asda, and of course I really miss our chickens and their eggs, oh and the blackberries on our hillside and our ancient apple trees. It seems I miss the food that we produced naturally, but I don't miss the hard work of digging the veggie patch and preserving everything for Winter use at all. There's a time to move on, and I'm glad we chose wisely. πŸ™‚

  9. Yum! I could have done with some ice cream on Friday, when it went up to 114F (45.5C) here! It has cooled down to 81F (27C), today, though.

    1. It was eight degrees here this morning, and then we had hailstones for ten minutes. 😬

  10. Your posts delight me; this is so similar to how I shop and budget - and where.
    I shop mainly at Sainsbury's but being in a city I can use Aldi, Lidl and Waitrose if I want to.
    My OH can ask me if we are out and about and fancy a bacon roll whether I have a brown sauce sachet in my handbag and I nearly always have, along with a small wrapped biscuit from the last cafe, unused tissues and a wooden coffee stirring spatula!

    1. Haha, we sound so similar. I nearly always have salt and pepper sachets in my bag, and occasionally the little individually wrapped biscuits. Well you have got to be prepared haven't you. πŸ˜„

  11. Jon went to the supermarket on Friday and said it was utter madness with people dashing around buying bbq stuff and ice cream - I can't bear either!
    That sunny day feels like an age away now, bikini on Friday, hat, jacket and boots a couple of days later. xxx

    1. We are a country of very reactive shoppers these days aren't we. One days sunshine and we all dash off for weather appropriate foods. Oh well, if it gets hot again I have ice lollies in the freezer. :-)

      I do not have a clue what to wear today, it started off lovely and sunny but now the breeze is really cold so I think a t-shirt and a cardigan is the best option!

  12. Good deal on the tissuesπŸ‘ I buy Kleenex wellbeing eucalyptus at a cost of $4.50 for 140 3ply tissues. Sadly, these are rarely discounted hereπŸ˜”

    1. I've tried lots of supermarkets dupes of these Kleenex but I always seem to come back to these, and when I can get them at a bargain price it makes them a similar price to the supermarkets own. It's a shame your favourites are never discounted. :-(


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