Wednesday 18 September 2024

My £2 a Day Food Shopping Challenge - Day Two

The Plan

With yesterday's leftover cash I had a total of £2.03 to spend.

While I managed to get everything on my plan this time, overnight the Aldi 'Price Matched' baking potatoes had increased in price to 79p.  Luckily I had the 3p in reserve from yesterday's shopping trip so I decided to be lenient and dip into tomorrows money for the other penny.  

It does seem that food prices after settling down for a while are suddenly starting to go up again.  No wonder there are so many 'UK Preppers' suddenly posting on YouTube.

While this is not my usual choice of spread, it was the cheapest one available and I had often wondered what this one tasted like.

The Receipt

Day Two Shopping - Total Cost  £2.04


Breakfast - 2 slices of Toast - 1 with spread and 1 with jam.

The Flora 'Buttery' is actually quite nice, very mild tasting but with a good texture and it doesn't disappear the moment it sees a bit of heat the way that my usual 'Naturli' spread does.

Lunch -Leftover soup from day one, with 1 slice of toast.

I was happy when I found that I had enough soup from the pot made yesterday to do a second day's lunch.  I had originally thought I would need to use two of my newly bought potatoes today and use my leftover onion and carrot to replicate this healthy lunch.  This time I just left the toast whole and dunked it into the soup.  

So, it's the same meal as yesterday but it's looking slightly different.  ๐Ÿ˜€

Tea - Jacket Potato and Spread

The Flora came into it's own again here and made for a very tasty jacket potato, which was surprisingly filling.

For all the 'protein worriers' out there just this one potato gave me over 15% of my daily requirement for protein.  And please don't forget this is a ONE week challenge, I am not going to keel over and ruin my health because of one week.  At every yearly health check all my readings, measurements and blood tests are well over the healthy range and have never given either my doctor or myself any cause for alarm.  But thank you for your concern. ๐Ÿ˜€

Leftovers carried forward:

400g SR Flour

 Dairy-Free Spread

3 Potatoes

16 slices of Bread


1 Onion

1 Carrot


Sue xx



  1. Wow, this is top notch budgeting. I use that type of Flora, it's quite nice only thing is that I've found for some strange reason Flora original makes a better sponge cake and it's becoming less available, I'm hoping they don't discontinue it, I think they are trying to push their new Plant 'butter'.
    Alison in Wales x
    PS I wasn't worried about your protein intake - does that make me heartless? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. I'd never tried it before but it is quite nice, and I should imagine this would be good for baking with too. I wouldn't have been able to afford it at it's usual price but it was on a 'Nectar offer', so I got it for half price.

      Yes, you are heartless ... I always knew that you had a cruel streak. ;-)

  2. I admire your determination. It is not a challenge I could do any more, because "daily shopping on a tight budget" is an impossibility for those of us living in a village. The village shop is good, and well stocked - but prices are way above the supermarket. I could go into town, but how. If I cycle, I avoid wet or windy days as I feel very vulnerable on some parts of the route. I could use the bus, but that's sporadic - and would take up at least 2 hours if not 3 for the for trip, and my OAP pass doesn't kick in until the 9.55am bus. And using the car for a short trip every day is not fuel efficient, bad for pocket and planet. I must think of an alternative... Keep up your efforts though

    1. You do need access to a couple of reasonably priced supermarkets to do this, and to have the ability to switch from one to the other like I had to do yesterday when nowhere had any cheap oats. I wonder if I could even attempt it just shopping at our Booths? It would have been a real non-starter when we lived in Wales.

  3. You did very well on Day 2 of your challenge. :)

    1. Thank you, but I did bust the budget by 1p. :-)

  4. I was out all day yesterday so have just caught up on both days. You are doing brilliantly. I do enjoy reading your challenges. Your soup looks lovely.

    1. It was very basic but tasted delicious. I think you'd be hard pressed to make a bad soup wouldn't you. I do over-pepper occasionally, but it's always very edible. :-)

  5. I can eat soup and time of year so am seeing food that I could easily eat each day for a week. Well done so far..Catriona

    1. A really simple way to do the challenge would be porridge every day for breakfast, then a large pan of soup with enough to last all week, maybe adding additional ingredients to change the flavour some days, and a big pot of stew or curry, or a maybe a pie for each evening meal all week. I could live like that very happily. :-)

  6. You never know when an extra penny will come in handy!
    (That's why I'd always pick one up if I saw it on the ground)

    1. Gosh yes, so do I. 'See a penny pick it up ... ' and all that. :-)

    2. Me too. It was 20p the other day!

  7. I would be leaving the table hungry every meal. What about fruits and veggies? They seem to be missing.

    1. Well the soup contains potato, carrot and onion and I had a potato for my tea, surely they are vegetables!!

  8. Flora Buttery is my go-to spread - like you say it does a good job of melting onto toast etc without vanishing into a puddle!
    Good to see it getting the Nectar treatment because it is relentlessly £2.50 most of the time.

    1. It's definitely one of the better spreads. I was really lucky that it was on the Nectar deal, I don't think there was another spread there that would have cost less than £2.

  9. How on earth did I miss the start of this challenge? !! As usual you have it sussed, Sue. Your food looks delicious and filling. I think I would be craving salad stuff now (or something green) and maybe a savers tin of fruit? I've noticed in Sainsburys that the basic range of food is again in short supply. Can't wait until your next post now ;)

    1. Maybe because it's the end of Summer now, but I'm not missing salad at all. For me it's potato season. ๐Ÿ˜€

  10. LOL, I think you can be forgiven for borrowing a penny! Loving reading this. June

    1. Oh well I've still got £1.99 to spend tomorrow. ๐Ÿ˜„

  11. I would be tempted to borrow a little more money for a small can of baked beans to go with the baked potato๐Ÿ˜‰ Looking forward to seeing what you buy tomorrow๐Ÿ‘

    1. I can't borrow too much or I'll have a lot less the next day. I am trying to make this a daily challenge. Next time I think it will be a weekly version. ๐Ÿ˜€

  12. Some more tasty meals. I think I could quite happily live off soups and baked potatoes :)

    1. So could I, easy and nutritious what's not to love. ๐Ÿ˜€


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