Thursday 19 September 2024

My £2 a Day Food Shopping Challenge - Day Three

The Plan

With yesterday's 1p overspend there was just £1.99 available.

Day Three Shopping - Total Cost £1.12

If I had gone to Sainsbury's, as was the original plan it would have cost me £1.11, but Alan was going to Aldi and I decided to go with him and get their versions of the things I needed.  I had originally thought that I would need to buy another onion to make the pasta sauce that I had planned for today, but having the carried forward onion and carrot meant that I saved some money, and of course meant that shopping at Aldi was possible.  It's a shame that Aldi sell so little of their produce loose, but I understand why they can't.


- 1 slice of Toast with Jam, one with spread and a Banana

A simple breakfast but with the added banana, very satisfying.

Lunch - Jacket Potato with Spread
I had to use the same photo from yesterday as I forgot to take another one before I got stuck in.

- Pasta and Sauce

I made the sauce with the tinned tomatoes, onion, carrot, mixed herbs and seasonings.  Simply cooked for a long time together and then whizzed up with my stick blender.  As you can see I manged to make three good portions from the ingredients that I had.

Leftovers Carried Forward:

14 slices of Bread

400g SR Flour


 DF Spread

375g Pasta

2 portions of Pasta Sauce

2 Potatoes

1 Banana


Sue xx



  1. I like the look of those meals but I do struggle with eating bananas, don't know why......😄
    A good tip to blitz the tomato sauce, I'll be trying that.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Haha, I have to be in the mood for a banana for sure. Every now and then I just crave them and then it stops and I don't buy any for ages. I don't know why I have only just started blitzing my sauces, but I do know I seem to prefer my pasta sauces and curries smoother. I have got teeth ... honest!! ;-)

  2. You are doing great and you are even carrying over some money to the next day!

    1. I have something more expensive that I want to buy for tomorrow, so I wanted to keep today's spend a bit lower. This Challenge shows how quickly you can build up a little stock of food, there are more and more 'carried forwards' with each day and this then enables me to spend less on some days.

  3. I take my hat off to you. You would have been brilliant in WWII, making something from nothing!

    1. I would have loved the challenge, but been a quivering wreck with the bombs.

  4. Enjoy following your challenge. I would have enjoyed your meals yesterday and, money to spare.

    1. I'm glad that there are readers that enjoy this sort of challenge, because I enjoy doing them. :-)

  5. Bother - now you've sent me off to the Aldi website to see what I could buy for £14 - when I should be painting skirting board!

    1. Haha ... brilliant. You deserve a break, it would be interesting to compare notes on our £14 shopping plans. :-)

      Perhaps I should start planning out my £14 week, I don't know whether to include the leftovers from this week (because there will be some), or to just start from scratch again.

  6. Can't wait to see what the more expensive item will be tomorrow.

    1. It's surprising when I'm doing a challenge like this what 'expensive' suddenly means. :-)

  7. I also enjoy following along with your challenges and am impressed which what you manage to contrive,
    Country Cook

    1. Thanks, it's always good to challenge yourself isn't it. :-)

  8. I remember reading A Girl Called Jack, and how Jack Monroe struggled with £10 a week for food for herself and her toddler. Desperate times. We had to be frugal when DD was a baby, and several times since then, and I used my mother’s recipes, and the lessons from WW2 rationing. DH asked why I still watch the pennies, and I can say in truth that it is because it is good for our health.

    1. Jack wrote many really good books and I followed her journey from the start. I think all of us who have lived through the dark days of real 'hand to mouth' know that it never really leaves you in the future. I learned such a lot from my early days.

  9. All your food looks so tasty. I'm amazed at the prices of things, they seem so inexpensive. Your challenges are inspiring!!

  10. That pasta looks lush. I have recently started to blitz my sauces too- it takes me back to my daughter’s toddler days when she would eat anything as long as it didn’t have bits in it! Catriona


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