Saturday 14 September 2024

Something for the Weekend?


I called to Booths on Wednesday to pick up something for Mum and picked up this weeks freebie.  This week it was some fruity tea bags or to give them their posh name Botanical Infusions.  No matter what you call them I didn't like them at all, so the remaining still sealed bags will be dropped into the foodbank trolley next time I am there.

My favourite biscuits were on offer at two boxes for £3, so I treated myself, and as you can see the charity book table hijacked me on the way out.  😁

Then yesterday Alan wanted to call to Booths for a coffee and for a few things for his tea, so of course I went with him.  I managed to spend £6.35 on a few things for the weekend for myself.  I do love Pontefract cakes, seemingly my grandad did too, although I never met him.

With his coffee Alan had a bacon butty and we shared a bowl of chips.  They were very generous with the mayonnaise, salt and napkins ... so the leftovers came home with me.

I've just found this photo on my September photo page, seemingly we had a very similar coffee outing earlier this month, the only difference being that there is only one napkin with this little freebie haul.  I do need to go through my bowl of freebies in my little cupboard it is overflowing with all sorts of useful things, it's time they were used.

So including these two little shopping trips, my Total Spend for this week is £22.74.

I'm under budget for the second time this month. 😀

There's something completely different coming each day for the week ahead, with a total spend of £14 or less ... watch this space. 💖

Sue xx


  1. Keith loved Pontrefract cakes too. Gabby got him a kilo for Christmas, but he was soon unable to chew them, bless him.

    I have to say I didn't really get on with The Handmaid's Tail, book or series. Perhaps I didn't try hard enough.

    1. They are very like liquorice flavoured rubber if you think about it, poor Keith all those sweets and no way to eat them. 😔

      I loved the series, we'll have to see how I get on with the book. It can always go back if I can't get into it.

  2. OH loves all things liquorice, Pontefract cakes would certainly disappear quickly around here 😀
    I read The Handmaids Tale years ago and quite enjoyed it but never been remotely interested in watching the TV version.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I have always loved liquorice, even as a child ... the liquorice stick in the sherbet fountain was the best bit. 😀

  3. I'm drooling looking at the packet of Lancashire crisps. I love Pontefract cakes as well.

    1. The crisps are lovely, nice and pale with lots of 'folded over' ones, just as I like them. 😀

  4. I haven't seen Pontefract Cakes in ages. But I remember my grandma used to like them. X

    1. I like any shape of liquorice so if I can't get hold of Pontefract Cakes the lovely little short squidgy sticks from Asda will do.

  5. I love liquorice and I think it’s because it’s not too sweet. Glad you were able to share a bowl of chips as it’s such a tasty treat. Catriona

    1. I bet that's why I love liquorice so much, I don't like a lot of overly sweet sweets.

      I rarely have chips at home, so yes it's a very tasty treat, and I love them with mayonnaise, but even I couldn't have eaten two of these large sachets of mayo with one bowl of chips.

  6. Not seen Pontefract cakes for years!! My grandpa loved them and I loved the smell when you opened the box :-) xxx

    1. I'd forgotten about them coming in boxes, I used to buy Mum a box for Christmas, and Dad got 20 No. 6 from the cigarette vending machine. 😄

  7. Don't like licorice, so your treats are safe from me! Well done keeping under your budget twice this month!

    1. Haha ... I never have to share, Alan's like you he's not keen on liquorice. 😀


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