Wednesday 27 March 2024

Four Pounds and One Pound


I was donating some shoes and other sorted out items to the local hospice shop the other day, and after a lovely chat with the shop manager ... I was a charity shop manager with quite a few different charities for a good percentage of my previous working career, so we had lots in common ... I might have accidentally wandered into the book section.

The bottom two books were from our local Hospice shop and the top two from the charity bookshelves in Booths, where I went for a coffee.  

Temptation is a brilliant terrible thing.  😁

Four books, and four pounds donated to two charities ... we are all happy.

I only had a coffee in Booths as I had already eaten breakfast before I left.  

I wanted to try that lovely bottle of organic tomato ketchup that I got for just £1 on my last visit, shown on the last 'shopping' post.  Happily, it also meant that I used the last four of my Linda McCartney sausages.  Gosh that stack of boxes of various types of sausage had been in the freezer for a long time, I'm glad to see the back of them.

The sauce was quite nice, very mellow tasting and as you can see made from the ingredients list only contained really good things.  It's rounded enough that it would also double up as a pizza sauce with lots of lovely toppings, so I think I will be fine using it up before the end of the month when it's date runs out.

Four one pound books, and a one pound jar of tomato ketchup.  😀

Sue xx


  1. Still Alice - one of the best novels about living with Dementia. I read it a few years back yet still remember how moved I was

    1. Although I am not a huge fan of Julianne Moore, the movie Still Alice was very good. Bun

    2. Cathy - I remember hearing about it a few years ago and really wanted to have a read, I wonder why I never got around to buying it.

    3. Bun - I have seen her in a few films and quite liked them. I should have a look for this one and watch the film once I have read the book.

  2. We donated a pile of books back to the charity shop on Sunday morning and came back with another pile. I love the circular economy and the fact our money goes to charity! xxx

    1. It's a good way to keep books circulating and charities benefitting isn't it. :-)

  3. I remember enjoying the sheep and goats book .... I used to use the charity shops mainly for book shopping. Now I still drop stuff including books but shop online at I miss not making charity contributions; the feel-good factor somehow made the the expenditure less extravagant!

    1. That booked really caught my attention. Yes, the feel-good factor definintely outweighs the guilt at buying even more books. ;-)

  4. You sound like me ' accidentally ' wandering somewhere. Last time I drove up to the Lakes my car seemed to take itself to the Emma Bridgwater factory in Stoke. Obviously it was only polite to buy some mugs! : - )

    1. Oh gosh, I don't think I ever dare to visit the Emma Bridgewater factory. It would be my downfall, her china is gorgeous. But yes, if you go you HAVE to buy something. :-)

  5. Buying books from charity shops count as making a donation, in my opinion. :) And if you donate them back, after reading, then, it's a double donation! :)

    1. Exactly, I'm so glad so many of you understand. :-)

  6. I think you had it right the first time. It is brilliant!! And one simply just HAS to.

    1. It's a good way to be tempted isn't it. 'New to you' books and a charity donation as well. :-)

  7. I haven’t read the Dilemma but enjoyed the other books. Catriona

    1. Oooh, you are well read. :-)

      I'm looking forward to reading these, unfortunately I am also looking forward to a LOT of other books too. :-)

  8. Everything I'm wearing comes from charity shops including a pair of very comfortable shoes.
    I'm quite smartly dressed too!
    I recently donated my ironing board; I'm not sure if that was kind to whoever ends up having to use it but the shop were pleased.
    I buy DVDs from them and donate back once I've watched them. Full box sets come through now as people upgrade their TVs

    1. Yes, charity shops are great for really cheap DVDs aren't they, even the box sets are relatively cheap there now. I have quite a lot left even after donating quite a few.

  9. Books are still great value in all sorts of ways aren't they. I find veggie sausages so filling that a small bag lasts ages........OH prefers the meat version so the veggie ones hang around in the freezer for quite a while. The ketchup looks tasty.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I think I am taking a little break from Linda McCartney veggie sausages for a while I seem to have gone off them a bit. I'll try a few others. The ketchup was lovely. :-)

  10. Books are a big temptation. I try and close my eyes as I walk by them. Sometimes it works, but other times I walk out with a great many. Oh well, the money goes to a good cause.

    God bless.

    1. Exactly, when a good cause benefits it's almost a duty to buy some books from them. :-)

  11. That ketchup looks rather nice. Have not been to our local Booths for ages - parking is not always easy and I certainly will not try to go there Easter week when the place will be rammed with visitors.

    1. We are very lucky here, the Booths carpark is the largest in town with lots of spaces and is free for up to 3 hours. Yes, it's going to be very busy in your neck of the woods this weekend. I hope you have a lovely Easter. xx


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