Tuesday 27 February 2024

Working, Reading and Cleaning

 This could be me ... if I adopted another cat and bought a goldfish.  😁

To be honest there's not been the usual amount of reading going on this month I keep getting waylaid by things I HAVE to do.  It's very frustrating!

To be honest there's not been much cleaning going on either.  πŸ˜„

Sue xx


  1. This made me laugh.
    Hoping things sort out so you can get back to enough reading (if there is such a thing). xx

    1. Enough reading ... maybe there's always a little bit more we can squeeze in. I just seem to find myself picking up my book and having to put it down a few minutes later. I feel like I'm reading this latest book in paragraphs rather than chapters!

  2. Made me laugh too, but also wonder if there is some sort of strange timey-wimey North West wormhole in which you and I share experiences?
    A couple of weeks ago I realised just how much of each day I spent reading (it was a shock!) and have deliberately cut back. After the first couple of days I found I did not miss it as much as expected and goodness, I have so much more time πŸ˜‚ 🀭

    1. In that case I will pull your leftover reading hours through the wormhole and try to add them to mine. I guess you will be needing some non-reading time soon to keep on top of the garden, so you won't really mind me stealing your excess will you. :-)

    2. You are very welcome to my non-reading hours. Please can I have the spare hours that you no longer spend in the polytunnel or vegetable plot?

      Want a laugh - work out how many hours a day you are out of bed. Subtract from 24. Then work out the number of hours you HAVE to spend doing things like feeding yourself, having a shower, caring for animals. Subtract. However many hours you have left, divide into 100.

      If you spend two hours a day reading, you can then see what percentage of your available time is spent in a book! I am not admitting to my numbers . . . although finding you spend “xx% of your time” on house cleaning is a great justification to do less 🀣

    3. I don't think that I dare do that, it's bad enough when my phone tells me every week how many hours I spent on various functions!!

  3. That's a great illustration, I had to look carefully for the second cat πŸ˜€
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Haha, yes. There's a lot of detail to find. πŸ˜„

  4. Hello! You know, I just walked past my nightstand, and saw my current read sitting there. I literally thought that I need to prioritize reading. Tonight. For sure!

    1. Reading is a habit that's easy to get out of isn't it. I'm finding the more I read, the more I want to.

  5. Since my sight worsened I only read from my Kindle, as I can enlarge the text. I do all my reading after I go to bed; my Kindle is a back-lit one. But I get carried away and have been known to read a book in one night - not a good idea because then I nod off during the day instead of doing those 'necessary jobs'. Then again, I live alone, rarely have visitors so there's only myself to please. And I'm easily pleased!

    1. I used to read long into the night but as I can no longer sit up in bed for long, sadly it doesn't happen anymore. There's something magical about getting 'lost' in a book isn't there. ❤️

  6. Love the drawing and like you, I need to spend more time reading. Catriona

    1. It's something I'm building up gradually, like a habit that I'm re-acquiring. More book, less phone. πŸ™‚


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