Saturday, 10 February 2024

Cleaning the Shelves, Re-organising the Books


Last week I decided it was time to slightly change up the kitchen shelves.

They have been almost exactly the same way since I moved in here almost three years ago so it was time for a bit of a refresh.  Of course there's not much I can really do with all the books as there is nowhere else for them to go, so it was a question of taking them down, cleaning the shelves and then putting everything back in a slightly different fashion.

The foods have to stay in the section on the left for ease of use, as it is directly over the worktop and where I make my porridge etc.  But some of the books could be moved down onto the lower shelf replacing the large mixing bowl that I don't use very often.  I tried to make it the books that I refer to the most that moved down, a few of the books had to go onto the little drawer unit next to the food cupboard to make enough space on the very top shelf for my mixing bowl and the enamel 'flour' bin.

It's nice to have a change, and I always find when I move books around that I want to have a browse through them all over again.

And what better thing to do after a couple of hours of climbing up and down on the little step ladder than sit down and peruse a couple of cook books.  😀

This is the view from the other angle, my kitchen is too narrow for me to be able to take a straight on photo of the shelves.

 Shelves cleaned, books replaced and books browsed through with a cup of coffee or two ... not a bad way to spend a freezing cold day.

Sue xx


  1. I like a change around now and again - I get a new appreciation of things. xx

    1. It's funny I rarely change things around these days, once something has a place ... that's it's place. But I thought after 3 years it was time to have a little swap around just so that I could clean ... and reach the books that I use the most a bit easier.

  2. I'm going through a change around phase at the moment, the last time I did it was in lockdown when my house never looked tidier or cleaner. I love that enamel flour tin even more each time I see it! x

    1. I used to move things around on a regular basis many years ago but I think I have outgrown that now, and of course living in such a small space means that there's not many places for things to go.

  3. I love to move things around too and you always find something of interest. It’s wet and miserable here today and Norrie is still tiling the kitchen-grout may not be here for another three weeks but I am determined to wait and not take something I’ll hate in a week’s time! Catriona

    1. It's the right time of year for a bit of a shift around and a good clean isn't it. Oh no, definintely wait for the right grout, you'll regret it forever if you make do.

  4. What a lovely reorganisation, and you are absolutely right about it being an impetus to sit down and revisit some favourite books.
    Every now and again I do that with shelves of fabric but it’s a dangerous activity - I find myself falling in love again with semi-forgotten patterns/colours and dreaming up all sorts of things to make with them 😆.
    PS: your green mixing bowl is absolutely gorgeous.

    1. I'm so glad I don't have a craft room anymore, tidying that, or even just going into it, used to mean I lost hours out of the day. Yes, I love that little mixing bowl and now that it doesn't live inside the larger one, that I rarely use, it can at last be seen every day.

  5. That arrangement is very pleasing on the eye. You're a good stylist.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thank you. Lots of merchandising training and then teaching others how to do it, has definintely paid off and stood me in good stead for my own home over the years.

  6. Well done, you! I keep reminding myself I need to reorganize the kitchen cupboards (think I'm overdue at 30+ years--ya think?), but it is amazing how easily I talk myself out of actually doing it. :)
    PS - Can't believe it has almost been 3 years since you moved in!!

    1. I find that I put jobs off for so long but then once I get stuck in I actually enjoy it and love the results. It's the getting started that's the hardest part. Yep, just under three years ... and now we are planning the next move. :-)

  7. It looks very nice! My mother always said that it was good to change things around; I tend to be a stick-in-the-mud and averse to change!

    1. I do like to leave things in one place once they are in the 'right' place. This new arrangement will stick until we move house as it makes more sense than the one I've had for almost three years. :-)

  8. Nice job, and something I have been meaning to do with my cookbook shelves as well.

    God bless.

    1. It's a good feeling ... now that it's all done. :-)


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