The Christmas Guest by Peter Swanson
Another re-read and I'm glad I did, I had forgotten some of the story, perhaps I read it when I was tired last time. It's a brilliant little book.
This Year It Will Be Different by Maeve Binchy
I absolutely loved this book.
It's a collection of short stories written really well by an author I used to read, but for some reason have not read for a while. Usually I feel a bit short changed by a short story, but these pull you in and get you hooked from the first page and then are rounded off really well, each and every one of them.
And So This is Christmas by Brian Bilston
Yet another re-read, and a good one at that. I do love Brian's sense of humour and his poems are easy to read and clear and concise.
An Ideal Husband by Erica James
And finally, what has turned out to be my final book of December as I am only a third of the way through and here we are at the last day of the old year. It's already turning out to be a really good read, written from a whole families perspectives of the sudden breakdown of a marriage on Boxing Day.
3 Books Kept, 1 Saved to be handed onto a family member and 2 Donated.
Now it's time to check my tickets for tonight's New Year celebrations and chill out for the rest of the day. It's been a hectic year one way and the other and personally I am glad to see the back of it. But with each passing year we learn and grow, and hopefully I have done some of that this year.
Thank you to everyone of you who have followed along on this blog over the course of 2024 and I will be welcoming you back next year hopefully.