Friday, 29 November 2024

The Co-op's Got Bananas!


What a brilliant title, I had to use it for the blog post too.

The other day we were dropping off the books that we had sorted through at Mum's last weekend, and arranging them onto the Booths charity book table and bookcase ... it's expanded now ... and I somehow managed to buy myself yet another book while I was there. 😁

We were having a 'didn't we do well finding those books a good home' chat in the upstairs cafΓ© over our cups of coffee, when I suddenly realised that in the bag had been about half a dozen books that were actually mine, and that I had meant to take out of the bag before we got to Booths. I couldn't even buy them back for myself with a donation as by the time we got downstairs they had gone!!

So someone got a signed Jamie Oliver cookbook for a pound, what a bargain. πŸ’–

Ah well, it's all for the local Air Ambulance a brilliant cause and one that really needs supporting now that their shop on the High Street has had to close down.

This book really caught my eye as Hunter Davies' name jumped out at me, and you all know how much I love reading about the war years, and just after.  It was only last month that I was reading his wife's book 'My Life in Houses' where she mentioned briefly about her husband's childhood.

Aren't the photos adorable, and so of their time.  I think lots of us will have photos of our parents, or ourselves for that matter, that date to this period or thereabouts.

It's on the 'to be read next year' pile.  πŸ“š

Well you have to be careful to be well stocked don't you.  πŸ˜„

Sue xx


  1. I've got a whole bookcase full of waiting-to-be-read books! and a friend who keeps sending me the books she's just enjoyed for me to do the same and pass on . . . I have to confess, some weren't quite my thing, and got passed on unread.

    1. That sounds like a good system. Sometimes, I think acquiring books and reading books are two completely different hobbies. πŸ˜„

  2. I've definitely got a serious case of abibliophobia, too! It's impossible for me to pass a charity shop without browsing their shelves, luckily for me, Jon has a similar problem! xxx

  3. I'm sure you will enjoy the book as I know I did. I read Walk Along the Wall and Walking the Tracks many moons ago and they were good too.
    People say buying crafting things and actually using them are also two different hobbies and you're right about the books too. I'm down to about two shelves of books that I've not read now and several shelves that might be re-read one day if I ever run out of library books!

    1. Oh gosh, only two shelves of books that you haven't read ... aren't you starting to get worried!! I have LOTS that have still to be read and almost as long a queue of those that will be read again. I think I will really try to cut back on buying books even for just £1 next year, I have to reduce the queues ... or live to be 150.

  4. Aarrgh! to losing your signed Jamie Oliver cookbook! It's the sort of mad thing I would do too. My mind is always wandering off at a tangent when I'm doing something else. Someone got a bargain (several bargains in fact) At least the money went to a good cause :/

    1. I had a brief heart-sinking moment, and then I just thought 'oh well, it'll make someone's day'. πŸ™‚

    2. It might turn up on ebay soon so you can get it back (if the price suits)!

    3. Haha, you never know. πŸ˜„

  5. Sorry about donating the books you didn't mean to donate, yet! But, as you pointed out, someone got a good bargain and it's for a good cause. :)

    1. Yes, that did soften the blow. πŸ˜„

  6. Oh my goodness, your Jamie Oliver book.......I think you have a very kind heart to take the attitude that it's made someone else's day......
    Alison in Wales x

    1. You've got to take it that way haven't you, there are much worse things going on in the world πŸ˜€

  7. I am still looking for my Complete Oscar Wilde [a gift from two college friends in 1976] - Bob suspects it somehow went, by accident, in the great retirement cull.] But they are only books, after all...I hope whoever gets your JO book REALLY appreciates it!

    1. So do I. You never know it could be someone's Christmas present, then it would make two people happy. ❤️

  8. PS. Blogger really playing up for me - your blog hadnt shown up for a week, and I wondered if all was ok, then I got half a dozen posts show up all at once in my feed. SO glad you are ok!

    1. Blogger is a law unto itself, I've just had a lot of my replies from days ago turn up in the Spam box, when they were previously published. πŸ€”

  9. That looks an interesting read by Hunter Davies-I read his column in Saga magazine about his adventures which are varied and often funny. I’m just about to order a book of poems by JK Annand which is meant for children but I want to do a bit of reminiscing for myself! Catriona

    1. I'm just reading a children's book myself. It'll be a quick read that I can donate in time for Christmas. πŸŽ„

  10. Buying books is a failing of mine too!

    1. Never a failing, always a pleasure. Occasionally guilt tipped but always necessary ... well that's my new philosophy. πŸ˜„

  11. I've just totted up how much I spent at worldofbooks last month 😡‍πŸ’« good job I don't get a chance to do charity shops as well!

    1. I'm trying not to go to too many charity shops, the Booths book table is tempting enough. πŸ˜„

  12. I've lost count of the number of times I've told myself do not buy anymore books, who am I kiddingπŸ˜‚ Sorry about the books, especially the Jamie Oliver signed cookbook but someone would have been over the moon to purchase this❤️

    1. I keep trying to be firm with myself and stop acquiring books, but I've obviously not got a very strong grip. πŸ˜„


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