Monday, 11 November 2024

I had plans ...


I had plans for a long blog post today to explain something that I meant to do but didn't end up doing.  But work and time have caught up with me ... or else someone has been tinkering with the clocks. πŸ˜€ 

So forgive me for a lazy meme, but one that actually says it all.

Hope you're having a good day.

Sue xx


  1. I love that. I really made me smile.

  2. Hahaha, that's a great meme, I shall do that!

  3. I put a couple of things on my to do list today just so there were 2 I knew I'd be able to cross off!! Was tempted to add "eat breakfast" as well to make it 3

  4. This has been me for a couple of weeks now-I really must do better. Catriona

  5. A few of the tasks I wished to complete today, won't get done until tomorrow...Perhaps.

    God bless.

    1. Perhaps, maybe ... sometimes we just have to go with the flow. πŸ™‚

  6. There are never enough hours in my day either! A great meme😁
    By the way, Sue, I've started a new blog Small Treasures Revived now that I feel a bit more settled.
    Just sayin'..... 😊
    Angie x

    1. Welcome back, I hadn't realised that you have been away from your blog for almost a year, where has the time gone? Anyway you're now back on my sidebar ... where you belong. :-)

  7. I feel like this at the moment😞 I've been trying to comment on a few of your recent posts,,,,

    1. It feels like we are really rushing towards the end of the year doesn't it.


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