Wednesday, 6 November 2024

I'm My Own Worst Enemy!!

I really am my own worst enemy.

In a bid not to waste any food it would seem that I will chomp my way through anything and everything that I find in my freezer or at the back of a cupboard!!

After a couple of weeks of eating nice healthy things, mostly unprocessed and with minimal wheat ingredients I came back to 'the dark side' with a vengeance this week.

I found these Katsu Chicken Style Fillets in the bottom freezer drawer under the bags of vegetables and decided to have them for my tea one night when I wasn't that hungry, but wanted something tasty and quick.  Well they were reasonably tasty and yes quick too, but they were also very artificial tasting even with the bread crumbed coating being pretty nice. 

 Although to be honest they looked like the dogs dinner !!

Then only the next day I was determined to use up the wrinkly tomatoes that were sat in the fridge, so I decided to use the free naan breads that I picked up from Booths way back in April, they had been in the freezer for far too long.

I teamed the tomatoes up with half a red onion and tipped the mixture over one of the naans, which I had spilt and toasted.  Very tasty, but I really felt that the tomatoes and onion mix was doing all the work and the naan bread just tasted like stodge.

Mavis had a large chunk of the naan that I just couldn't manage, she was delighted!!

Just reading the ingredient list on the naan bread wrapper makes me feel podged!

If I wanted to make my own for a future version of this meal, this would be all I would use.  Flour, water and salt, and turn it into a nice quick flatbread.

Next time I look through the freezer and see a packet of something in any way doubtful, I need to harden my heart (before the food does that for me) and simply consign it to the wheelie bin.

Oh and the second naan bread from the pack was toasted and crumbed, and put out on the bird table.  If I see any birds struggling to take off I will know that they are podged too.  😄

My view on the US election result.  😐

Sue xx


  1. Similar to my view of the US election.
    It's all been said; my adding anything won't change the situation.

  2. I’m about to eat a bean burger which has been lurking in the freezer. I may regret it but I won’t be buying them again! Catriona

    1. I sort of think it's good to eat a 'final' taste of something that you know isn't right, it gets it out of your system ... well that's what I'm telling myself. 😄

  3. I find it the list of ingredients on a lot of bread products quite scary. We stick to locally made sourdough (I remember you don't get on with it) or Waitrose ciabatta rolls; sadly no Booths down here 🥹😭. When we were out one day we bought a vegetarian wrap. Not only was the filling horrible but the wrap itself was revolting and had 17 ingredients. I was stunned. Like you if I was making a flat bread or wrap it would have flour, salt and water, maybe some yoghurt. It was a lesson to remember to make and take our own sarnies.

    1. No, I can't get on with sourdough unfortunately, I wish we had a nice local bakery that sold simple breads.

  4. It's hard to let food go to waste, isn't it? Especially if we spent good money and bought it. But, the other day, there was something that had been given to me, which I normally don't buy, which I tried to eat and then, sat in the fridge for at least a couple of weeks before I finally tossed it! I hated doing so, but, I just couldn't bring myself to eat it!
    As for our election results, it's hard to sit back and observe when one is likely to be impacted by it.

    1. It really is hard to waste food. 😔 Yes, I more than realise how hard it is for anyone in the US especially,
      to sit back and just observe. But I used that particular meme as there is a lot of division between people at the moment and I literally do not have the energy to join in. Whatever someone says they get torn down. ☹️

  5. I harden my heart more easily and feed the worms in the compost bin (we have one of those rat-proof ones).
    Thank you for your calming sentence re the USA election results. I still can't believe that they have voted him back in... he makes Boris Johnson look white as snow...

    1. Now I have this image of little chubby worms with indigestion. :-)

      The news reporter on the teatime news here raised a good point, she said that her having been there for months and talking to so many ordinary people from lots of different areas, has made her realise that while Trump was not really what they wanted, they really didn't want another four years like the ones they had just lived through, and could see it happening again from things that were being promised by Harris. Oh well, we will all see what happens over the coming months I guess.

  6. I think most of us of a similar age hate the thought of wasting food, as a result of our upbringing - our mothers wouldn't have wasted anything would they, they would have thought it criminal. But I guess eating some processed thing we've bought, and then regretted having tasted it, does teach us not to buy it again!

    1. Yes Sue, exactly that, hopefully I have now eaten all the processed things although I do need to have a good sort through in the freezer drawers. As long as I have finished everything off I will have to make sure that I don't get tempted to buy any of the already tried things again ... I'm not perfect though and temptation will always be there. ;-)

  7. As a Christian Conservative citizen of the U.S., I will say we are thrilled! We will go back to being able to afford food and shelter. We will go back to not having men in girls bathrooms, kids who are being indoctrinated in schools, borders that are secure, women who can compete in sports without being beaten up by men who act like women so they can win something. And most importantly, someone leading the country that prays to God, not mocks Jesus on the campaign trail. God will not be mocked. Kamala wasn't even properly chosen, she weaseled her way into being the party's nomination. I could go on and on, but the U.S. has chosen the better person. He's not perfect, but neither am I or you, for that matter. We chose the man who most closely aligns with our morals and values and truly wants what's best for the American people.

  8. Yes, in some situations just to breathe deeply and slowly and take a step back is the wisest way. There is no benefit in making ourselves feel ill over situations we can't alter.
    ' Podged ' I haven't heard that word in ages 😀
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It's a good Northern description isn't it. 😄

  9. Podged! That's a phrase well-sed around these parts.
    I'm trying not to get incensed over the election results but t's hard not to, my American mates must be feeling like we did on the morning the Brexit referendum results were announced. Gutted! xxx

    1. I'm definitely feeling podged on a regular basis these says, it must be an age thing. 😳

      Somehow, for once I am letting the news pass me by, it's not that I don't care, more that there's nothing I can do. There's enough immediate drama in my own family that I can at least try and help with.

  10. I have to say that meal did not look very appetising! I need to have a cull of my freezer over the fridge, as there is still junky vegetarian food there from the Danny & Emma days. I found half a bag of Quorn this week, so consigned that to the bin. I agree, it's hard to waste food but in this case it would never be used so pointless keeping it.

    Home made Naan is easy and you could make a batch to freeze. I'm sure the birds and Mavis enjoyed what you didn't.

  11. Podged. Now that's a word I haven't heard in ages :) Thankfully, I've been feeling much less podged, since I've mostly given up eating bread. X

    1. I'm exactly the same. I need to stay away from bread much more than I do.

  12. We've always referred to "stodge" . And, in my Mother's Day, and in my childhood (1950s) there were far fewer additives, and most meals were made at home. Fish and chips was about the limit of "takeaways", and that a rarity. How the world has changed. But, we eat 95% natural vegetables and unadulterated meats, and mainly home-prepared sauces. I even make our summer mayonnaise and oil and vinegar dressings. They last just fine in the fridge. BUT,,,, we're not trying to hold down a job./numerous jobs, huge mortgages, cope with children needing food for school, manage a long commute to and from work etc, etc, We have it easy.

    1. Yes 'stodge' describes the food and feeling 'podged' is what it does to you. 😀 I agree we do have it relatively easy, but it's because we have come through all the things you mention. The different ages of our lives come with different sets of problems don't they.


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