Tuesday, 2 April 2024

The Books That I Read in March


Ginger looking so peaceful, fast asleep next to one of my March books.

This book has rave reviews in so many places.  

I really enjoyed reading parts of it and other bits just made me want to skip over the in-depth research done on people that I just wasn't that interested in.  But on the whole it was a good book and one that I am keeping.

This is such a small book, around a half hour to read but wow, it's so well written and I am glad that I bought it.  Although, quite a few of the reviews on Amazon are by people that thought while the writing was good, the length and size of the book were not.

I will be looking out for some more of Claire Keegan's work.

I took a break from stories to read through another of Miguel Barclays books. I was going to make something from it, but with one thing and another I have not gotten around to it.  March was a tough month.

I am currently reading this book and it's proving to be good, very good.

I will most likely mention it again in the round up of April's books when I am more than a quarter of the way through.

So that was it for March.  Not many books read unfortunately, but at least some time out from work and hospital visiting for some reading, and that was good.

Sue xx

I would just like to point out, that although I provide links to Amazon for all the books that I read each month, not all my books are bought from Amazon.  If they are some of them were bought from the Used section rather than full price.  

I share the links so that you can learn more about the books that I write about for yourself, or read reviews from others that have read them.  Of course most of the books I talk about would also be available from your local library, and if you are very lucky you might even find them in charity or thrift shops.  

There are so many ways to bring books into your home if you love reading. 📚


  1. I read my first Keegan just recently (March) the one mentioned on the front of your book. ‘Small things like these’. One to enjoy and also make you think. I know it did me. Definitely to get hold of a copy

    1. She just writes so well doesn't she. I'll be looking out for her others for sure.

  2. That is such a darling, darling picture of Ginger. Does he mind if you stroke him when he's curled up like that or do you have to resist the temptation?

    1. No, he's so laid back if you stroke him or play with his feet, as I'm sometimes tempted to do, he just looks at you and purrs ... and then goes straight back to sleep when you lose interest. :-)

  3. Try Small Things Like These by her. I thought it was excellent.

    1. That's two recommendations for this book, I'm going to have to buy it aren't I. :-)

  4. Thanks for the book recommendations.
    Ginger cats are just so pretty x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. They are aren't they. My ginger girl was even prettier. Shh ... don't tell Ginger I said that. 🐱🐱

  5. I love the photo of Ginger all snuggly. I hope life returns to normal for you soon and you can spend longer reading. xxx

    1. He's a very snuggly boy and currently in exactly the same position in the same place, but without the annoyance of Mum having left a book in his way. :-)

  6. Great book recommendations:) Ginger is such a beautiful boy♥

    1. He really is, sadly he's showing his age now. He's the eldest our our three little furries and such a special boy. xx

  7. Ginger looks very, very comfortable. Going to look up those books.

    God bless.

    1. He has phases of either loving my other armchair or loving this pouffe, this week it's the turn of the pouffe. The links will take you to all of the books details on Amazon.

  8. Really sorry it has been so tough for you recently and sending love. xx

    1. Thank you Joy. The beauty of reading is that for a little while you are transported to a different place, and that's priceless. xx

  9. Some very interesting books I must look up So Late in the Day, sounds like a book I'd like.

    1. It's definintely short but sweet, and very well written. xx


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