Sunday, 19 January 2025

What Did I Do Yesterday


I do stuff.

I do stuff and I know people.

I don't list what  I do on a day to day basis like a badge of busyness and accomplishment.

I do stuff.

And I go places.

Sometimes I tell where I've been.

Sometimes I tell what I've done.

And sometimes I just breathe ...  

and sigh heavily.  ❤

Sue xx


  1. That's me today, doing stuff and sighing heavily, sums it up perfectly Sue, thanks! Sooze

    1. A heavy sigh is supposed to be good for you as it brings extra oxygen into your lungs ... perhaps we should do it more often. ๐Ÿ˜„

  2. And sometimes I sit in the armchair to watch a TV programme, and wake up an hour later and say "Whodunnit?"

    1. I did that when we went to watch The Mousetrap, Alan had to whisper to me who did it. You're not supposed to tell anyone. ๐Ÿคซ

  3. I dread my hairdresser saying, ‘and what have you been up to?’ I’m retired and happily occupied all day and every day, one way or another. But I’d be hard pushed to make any of it sound interesting to a third party.

    1. Yes exactly that. What's interesting to us isn't usually interesting to others. I hate being put on the spot with a question like that, my mind goes blank.

  4. There's a lady who I'm friends with on Facebook (I know her daughter in real-life) and she's always listing what she's done on there, like she needs to validate her existence, sad really! xxx

    1. My ex-daughter in law used to put extensive lists on Facebook of all the housework she'd done each day. When my son got home from work expecting a spotless house, nine times out of ten he was disappointed. He got used to it in the end and expected nothing.

  5. Someone recently asked me what I am doing tomorrow. I thought - I don't know. No plans, just make it up as I go along.

    1. That's the best way isn't it, I hate having things hanging over me waiting to be done. My calendar at the moment is crazy, I really look forward to the blank days.

  6. I'm always asking, aren't I? And listing what I've done. Sorry. ;-) xx

    1. As you said in a comment reply to me a couple of weeks ago 'you do you'. We are all different, the world would be a sad place if we were all the same. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. ๐Ÿ˜„ too funny. Love this!

    1. It's good isn't it. You can see why it jumped out at me. ๐Ÿ˜„

  8. Excellent๐Ÿ˜‚ I love to say "I've been pottering today" ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Pottering is brilliant, you gets lots done with no pressure and no deadline.

  9. Love this, Sue. When I first retired, people asked me that all the time and it made me annoyed. Catriona

    1. Alan's being asked over and over what his plans are for retirement, so much so that it's actually freaking him out that his days might be empty of all purpose. He has a lot to learn. ๐Ÿ˜

  10. No matter what it is, I hope you enjoy it!

  11. When I am asked I usually say worked on projects. Seems to be an answer people accept.

    God bless.

    1. I should just start saying 'I'm working at my desk', which some days is actual work, some days it's blogging and some days I can lose an hour playing Patience or being on Facebook ... but all at my desk. ๐Ÿ˜„

  12. You've made me think! I usually write about what I do each day on my blog. I wonder what I'd write about if I didn't write about what I did that day, which is sad, isn't it?

    1. Oh we all mention what we are doing or have done from time to time, but I guess it's when it turns into repetitive lists that it can seem a bit sad. ๐Ÿ˜„

  13. I'm old; I'm retired; kids have grown up and left home long ago . . what do I do all day? Nothing much. And I don't care. Oh yes, I sigh . . .

    1. That all sounds pretty good to me. ❤️


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