Friday, 17 January 2025

Freebies, Books and Special Places

  I called very briefly into Booths on my way to the hairdressers this Wednesday to pick up this weeks little freebie, the first one of the year.  It was only a little vegan energy bar thing, but I thought it would be perfect for me as we were heading to Mum's later in the day and I had previously bought two vanilla slices for her and Alan to share ... sadly I can't have these due to the dairy content.

I thought this can't be worth much perhaps 50p at most as it was tiny!!

As you can see from the receipt ... it was £1.75!!

Although it was quite tasty I doubt I would spend that much on something so small.

You might have noticed from the top photo that I picked up a book from the charity book table while I was there.  The table and shelves were in such a mess that I couldn't help but spend five minutes tidying them up and I spotted this.  It's actually one I've been wanting to read for a while, but this year I am trying to be good and mainly pick up second-hand books, and even then only if they are something that I really fancy or that I am actually waiting to read. 

I have so many books of my own that I want to spend this year reading as much from my own stash as possible and donating any that are not really worth reading for a second time.

Artwork by Marcella Cooper

Books they take you to a special place and sometimes leave you there fore a while, I think this piece of art perfectly sums that up.

Sue xx


  1. I wish I had a Booths nearby! xx

    1. We really are very lucky. I wish I had a Tesco, they have such a good range of 'free from' and dairy-free options Booths are crap at that, as is our tiny Sainsbury's.

  2. I take a little pot of nuts, dried fruit, or an apple in my pocket for a snack, much cheaper, and more satisfying. The list of ingredients puts me off cereal bars.

    1. Yes, these snack bars are so expensive for what they are aren't they. I used to have a little tin of nuts to take out and about with me, but these days it's usually some sort of flapjack style bar, either homemade or bought in a multipack from the supermarket.

  3. What a nice find. That looks like a good book. Cali

  4. I got a tin of oat biscuits worth £6 in M and S today as my birthday treat from Sparks. Norrie left them at the checkout when he was packing the bag!!! We were out for the day so used another M and S thirty miles away. Catriona

    1. Oh, what a shame. That sort of thing always plays on my mind long after it's happened. 😔

  5. That looks a good book - what a good find. I have to say, £1.75 for that titchy protein bar seems a rip off - better free that's for sure!

    1. Yeo, free is the only way I would get another one of those.

  6. That picture looks like it was painted in my house! Love it!
    I've no idea how much snack bars are but that sounds very pricey. xxx

    1. Yes, William on the bookshelves and lots of drinks on the go. 😀

  7. Just curious but is there a library in your area? Have a good weekend!

    1. There is, there's one near Booths. 😀

  8. Books have always carried me away to distant lands or solving a crime....

    God bless.

    1. I love it when I get lost in a book. When you look up and it's gone dark outside and the clock has spun round a few hours. ❤️

  9. Love the art work Sue. You always post such interesting art work and verses, thank you. June

    1. I find them in all sorts of places, it's only fair to share, and credit the artists and writers. ❤️

  10. I really need to clean my laptop screen, as I initially read that your vanilla slices had hairy content!

    1. Haha ... oh gosh hairy is even worse than dairy 😬😄

  11. Free goodies are always the right price, I think. :)

  12. Love the artwork, the book you have picked is where my husband works as a volunteer ranger, wildlife is abundant there. Hope you and Alan have a wonderful weekend, albeit very gloomy weather wise for us.take care Margaret x

    1. What a happy coincidence. 😀

      It's very gloomy both here and in Manchester, and cold again too.

    2. Knepp is an amazing place, the food in the cafe is outstanding, we love going for lunch there and then going for a walk on one of the marked routes. So much wildlife to see. I have yet to read the book though. Jenny

    3. I'm looking forward to reading it, then maybe one day we'll visit. 😀

  13. I do wish Booths would open in Devon - I know they won't but one can dream. They are easily my favourite food shop. When we stayed in the centre of Keswick on holiday a few years ago I seemed to be in Booths every day. My husband used to dread me going there! :-)

    1. It's a lovely shop isn't it. I'm sure I could manage to shop there every day with very little persuading. 😀


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