Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Using Up the Food and Refilling the Jars

Although I am no longer writing about challenges on here, I am still doing most of the things that I usually do in January that I used to blog about.  I am in the process of using up what I have in the store cupboard, in the jars and in the freezer.  Basically anything to avoid the shops.

No matter how little you think you have bought in for Christmas there is always food left over well into the New Year.  That meant that this morning's first breakfast was two mini mince pies.  I've gotten into the very annoying habit of waking up every single day at 5.30am and I'm usually really hungry by 7am, so an early little nibble of something and then I put my porridge on to soak.

This morning it was the last of the jar of oats that I tipped into the pan, so it was time to wash out the big jar.  So I thought while I was doing that I might as well give the whole shelf and the other jars on it a quick wipe down.

I replaced everything except the jar that was drying back on the shelf, it's nice to know that everything is clean isn't it.  No doubt it will be done again in a couple of days when I use up that last portion of fusilli pasta. 

With my breakfast ready, I rooted around in the cupboard and pulled out the box of porridge oats that I had picked up from Mum's.  It's slightly out of date but it will be fine for the next couple of months, until the warmer mornings are here again and porridge is no longer on the menu every day. 

Refilled and ready for tomorrow, next task to eat that small portion of pasta.

But before that ...

... it's time to wish this new pensioner a very Happy Birthday.

Alan, 66 years young today.  💖

Sue xx


  1. Happy Birthday Alan! Have a really lovely day and an exciting year ahead ;)

    1. He says THANK YOU. We are just off for an early lunch ... my treat for once. :-)

  2. He looks very much like an old (well not that old) Scottish sea dog there.... which I suppose he is! Happy birthday Alan. My hubby has a few years on him, he's 74 today. How funny that they're both on the 8th Jan - so yes no wonder they're so alike in lots of ways! Sooze xx

    1. He absolutely is and he has the t-shirt to prove it, much to my Mum's amusement. Happy Birthday to your Hubby too. It's also the anniversary of the start of WWII food rationing here in the UK. :-)

  3. Happy Birthday Alan - you are so photogenic and such a sport! Hope you enjoy your meal.
    Wendy (Wales)

  4. Happy Birthday, young Alan. Have a wonderful day! xx

  5. Watched them baking and then eating a day old National Loaf on inside the factory last night. 'It's....substantial ' she said, chewing and chewing...
    Loving the titfer!

    1. I think I've recorded that, I'll have to give it a watch later on. 😀

      I should have bought that hat for him, it's brilliant isn't it. ❤️

  6. Happy Birthday, Alan-I am 75 today! I’m also looking through all the places where I put Christmas food and discovered two boxes of mince pies which I quickly put in the freezer as they are still in date. Catriona

  7. Happy Birthday Alan, have a great day.

    1. Thanks, he's loving it up to now. 😀

  8. Happy Birthday to Alan. Hope that he has a marvelous day.

    God bless.

  9. Happy Birthday to Alan, have a great day, love the hat ! x

    1. I'm kicking myself that I didn't actually buy it for him. It's a great photo isn't it. :-)

  10. Happy Birthday Alan! Looking very dapper in your hat! xxx

  11. Happy Birthday, Alan! That's a great picture. Xx

  12. Happy Happy Birthday Alan, I hope you've had a fabulous day, love the photo as well😍 It's 9.30 pm your time and 7.30 am on Thursday in Oz, I'm always late to the party these days 🎉🥳

    1. We'll party on through the night just for you. 🍾🥂🎉

  13. Happy Birthday Alan 👏🍾🥂🎉

    Sorry you do not like waking up at 05.30. That is the time my body naturally comes to each day and I love it. At this time of year there is a peace and stillness in the dark, and later when it is light this early I love that feeling of (almost) being the only person awake and enjoying the morning. It does mean I fall asleep very early each evening though 🤣

    1. My natural time always used to be 6.45am on the dot, perhaps that's why 5.30am seems so early. 😀

  14. Happy (belated) birthday, Alan.
    You are doing great with finishing up the pantry items. :)

  15. Belated Happy Birthday to Alan, hope he had a wonderful day

  16. Belated Birthday Greetings from Florida. I hope 66 is a good year!

    1. He says, thanks ... and hopefully it will be. :-)


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