Wednesday 31 January 2024

My Final Shopping for January - Week Five


I really didn't need much this week, mostly frozen peas and bread, but as Alan was going to Aldi and I hadn't been in there this year, I went with him.  I wanted to have a look at all the vegan offerings that they had brought in for Veganuary, and that a lot of people on social media were raving about.

I spent a grand total of £4.06.

And as for the vegan offerings ...

... with my current UPF mindset and knowing all the food that I have in the house I wasn't even slightly tempted.

A nice cheap weeks shopping for me then!!

Of course I'm not saying that I'll never buy anything of this sort again, but I am going to be very selective about which of them I eat and how often.  For this week the knowledge that my shopping contains only one UPF item is good enough for me.

My total spend for January was £85.21, with £14.79 being carried forward into an emergency fund.

Sue xx


  1. I'm on the library waiting list for the book you mentioned yesterday. Norfolk has 14copies on order and I'm #16 on the list. Hopefully not too long a wait this time (it took 6 months for CVTs UPF book to get to me!)

    1. Hopefully it will come to your turn soon, it's not quite as in-depth read as the Chris van T's book, so everyone should whizz through it a bit faster. It's worth the wait if you don't want to buy your own copy.

  2. The pasta looks mildly interesting but as for everything else, it doesn't even resemble food. There's enough cans and bottles in my recycling bin without all that packaging! xxx

    1. The pasta looked interesting but I have enough in at the moment, so I wasn't tempted. The only 'healthy' thing was the tofu and to be honest I'm not a big fan, although I have two blocks in the freezer.

  3. Sounds like you managed to stay well under budget this month?

    1. I did, and now it's February and I have another £100 in my purse. :-)

  4. Aldi tofu is very good and firm also organic with no weird ingredients.

    1. I have some in the freezer, but to be honest I'm not a huge tofu fan. I've tried it a few ways and still no joy, so I thought I would try the freeze it, thaw it and THEN cook with it technique, as some people have said it alters the texture ... it's the last chance I'm giving it. :-)

  5. I often buy those petit pois from Aldi, very good value. There is something much debate at the moment about the nasties in certain foods isn't there? I'm trying to be more selective in my choices too.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. They are lovely peas aren't they, very sweet and tasty. It's all a learning curve for me, I'm just learning as I get things out of the cupboard to use them and Googling the ingredients that I don't recognise. There have been some shocks!!

  6. I think that my lack of cooking zeal (aka-none) helps to keep my bill and my use of UPF down most weeks. Unless DH goes grocery shopping...
    So much of the UPF just tastes like cardboard. Mary

    1. Oh, I'm glad I'm not the only one that loses the urge to cook sometimes! I've been pretty good up to now this year, but sometimes I just want a day of cereal and sandwiches.

  7. I ended up spending a bit more than planned (prices are crazy), but then Hubby has to go on a special diet the second week of February so was getting a head start on that. Wow, that was a very small shop.

    God bless.

    1. Don't worry, I have a LOT of food in the cupboards, these things were just filling gaps. And I couldn't leave the onions behind when they were on the Aldi Super 6 at just 59p, onions always come in handy don't they.

  8. That's my thinking about a lot of the plant based food currently on out shelves. I believe I would prefer to make from scratch although, to be fair, I do have more time for that than most people.
    I enjoyed the Van T book very much and have reread sections from time to time. I've got the newer one by I forget who (Unprocessing something or other) on Kindle and need to get started on it. xx

    1. I find that unless a UPF product is exceptionally tasty I am mentally crossing it off my list to buy again. Up to now I have about half a dozen UP things that will still be on my shopping list as and when I need them. Yes, Chris van Tulleken's book is the definitive one to learn about UPFs isn't it, I've lent my copy to my Mum for now.

  9. I can’t help but feel that the manufacturers are just seeing a money making bandwagon to jump on with all these "plant based" products!

    1. Oh definitely, and charging a premium price for them too. 😔


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