Friday, 14 March 2025

It's That Time of Year ...


The sunshine makes us all want to get out in the garden, some to sit and relax and some to tidy up or sow seeds ... or some to do both.

It's still a bit too cold to sit out for long, but half an hour in the morning with a hot cup of coffee and well wrapped up is wonderful for making me want to do something in the small back garden that we share.

Alan pressure washed the Indian stone patio and pathway last week, so now it's looking a lot cleaner.  I sat and sowed a few seeds the other day, realising sadly that I had no spinach seeds so I do need to go and buy some.  

But I have kale, courgette, spring onions and radish sown so that is a good start and will be enough to fill the one small bed that I now have for vegetables.  I can always dot anything that doesn't fit, in and around the flowers and plants in the other raised bed, or in large pots.

I put the old sides of the mini cold frame that Ginger broke over the soil to start the process of it warming up ready for planting ... and to keep Ginger off.

So that's at least a little start for this years growing.

They are now happy on my bedroom windowsill with the clear top on the green tray, and I find myself already checking for little signs of life each time I open the curtains in the morning.

Sue x


  1. I so love these signs of hope and new life. It stirs the blood! xx

    1. It really does doesn't it, signs of the good to come. ❤️

  2. Oh, that looks wonderful and your little shed is a thing of beauty.
    I wish I could do the same as you - but I have accidentally 'horlixed' myself and about to go off on An Adventure 😍 which means I will be absent just when little babies would germinate and need daily attention that they would not get. I will have to wait until I am back and remind myself that things generally catch up.

    1. Mine might have to fend for themselves in a couple of weeks. 😔 There's never a right right to get seeds in really is there. But later is always better than too early.

  3. My windowsill propagator seems not to be warming up well this year which is annoying

    1. I nearly bought a windowsill propagator last year but I restrained myself. The sun will have to do. 😄

  4. It's getting to be that time, isn't it? As yet, I only have one tomato plant growing, but, I'm looking forward to planting the rest of my vegetables a little later.

    1. I don't think I'm bothering starting tomatoes from seed this year. I might buy some Tumbling Tom plants to go into my hanging basket though. 😀

  5. Well done on starting off your seeds. It’s freezing here today although nice and sunny. Catriona

  6. It is a wonderful idea to use raised beds. Your patio is lovely.

  7. Good start to Spring there on your sill. I hope the seedlings flourish. Nice patio.

  8. I so love your potting shed, great photos


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