Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Bananas, Freebies ... and How Much?


I was reading up on bananas the other day, like you do when you are busy and something pops up on your computer!!  I discovered the many benefits from eating them regularly, the potassium they contain is good for heart health, for lowering blood pressure and the tryptophan they contain helps your body produce serotonin which is really good for sleep regulation ... all of which are things that I need.  They are also rich in fibre, vitamins B6 and C, manganese and also traces of copper.  

It all sounds very good, however, can eating more than six bananas in a day really kill you?  Not according to THIS report from the BBC a few years ago.  Now who even thought they could in the first place!!  😄   

Anyway I will be making an effort to eat more bananas, perhaps one a day along with the occasional Satsuma ... I don't like fruit that much. 🍌🟠

Perhaps that is why one of my favourite ways to consume bananas is in banana and walnut muffins. 😀

This batch may have been in the oven for two minutes too long, but the main reason they are so brown is that when I went to measure out the sugar I had no white sugar left at all so I decided to use my Demerara sugar.

And there wasn't enough of that, so I emptied out all my little rescued freebies from cafes over the last few months, and believe it or not the final weight came to exactly the amount that I needed.  Fate is telling me that the best way to eat bananas is in cake form.  😁

They had a delicious crunch to them, so I'll be doing this again for sure.

Alan was going to Booths for some bread for himself earlier and he asked me if there was anything I needed.  Yes, eggs I said.  He came back with my usual choice and they had increased in price from £4.50 last week to £5 this week.  

Now that is a bit of a steep rise in just seven days!!

He said that there was a sign on the shelf edge that said they worked out at 42p per egg.  Which, if you put things into perspective, means that two eggs on toast still works out at a very reasonable £1 for a good breakfast or lunch.

Or of course for two eggs added to Banana and Walnut muffins.

Sue xx


  1. I only like bananas before the skin goes brown but after it's been green - a short window of perfection! and then only in a sandwich - hence I don't buy them often.
    Who on earth would eat 6 a day anyway!

    1. I have a narrow window of 'banana perfection' too, so perhaps if I keep buying them by the bunch it will be me eating 6 in a day. ;-)

      Oh I can NEVER, EVER eat a banana in a sandwich, too many childhood horror meals of being made to. I didn't mind Dad's lazy days when he would give us a slice of bread and butter, and a banana. One to hold in each hand and take alternative bites out of he said. But I would eat all the banana and then enjoy the bread afterwards. :-)

  2. I like bananas but tend to eat them sliced into my porridge. I too have a narrow window of perfection but towards the riper end of the scale. Banana loaf and muffins are so easy to make-think I need to make some soon! Catriona

  3. I too prefer my bananas towards the riper end of the scale. I usually limit myself to about 3 a week as they are also a bit high on the glycemic scale for me. I like to have them on hand to take to the office for the three mornings I go in - it makes for an easy snack after about 3 hours of work with a cup of tea and then that holds me to my main meal which is usually between 3:30 and 5pm - that way I can stick to two meals a day with a snack (trying to lose weight). But do have to say that banana bread - or muffins - are always very tasty.

    My favourite eggs have stayed at $5.49 a dozen (Canadian) for extra large free run eggs - although I keep expecting them to go up,. I stopped by the supermarket on the way home from the office for a few odds and ends and I noticed that my favourite tea bags have gone up 50 cents a box!! One relatively small bag of groceries and it was still $45.00!!

  4. I, too, only like bananas before then get too ripe and I always request green bananas when I order my groceries. Once they get ripe, I will make banana muffins, etc.
    Our egg prices over here have gone sky high. The last dozen I bought cost $9.99! And they weren't even organic (or even free range, just cage free which is a state requirement). Which comes out to $0.83 per egg. Our new president ran on a campaign promise of lowering grocery prices on "Day 1" of his administration, but, so far, that has not happened! Quite the opposite, in fact!

  5. I lived in the tropics as a kid and the bananas there taste different than those in stores, so I don't eat them often anymore. They are good for you though.


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