Monday, 10 March 2025

The Weekend - The Stone Jetty at Morecambe

After a stress filled night and early morning on the phone trying to find out about Mum's emergency admittance to hospital, we decided to go and blow the cobwebs away in Morecambe.  There wasn't much wind actually so nothing got blown away, but the clear light and the fresh air was just what we needed.

Both these photos courtesy of Lancashire Tourist Board via Google Images

We didn't want to do our usual walks and coffee shop, without Mavis it would have been too much too soon, so we headed to the Stone Jetty and the café at the end of it.  Sausage and bacon buns were consumed, coffee drunk and then we did something we haven't done for ages ... went into the arcade and wasted a few pounds on the 'Tipping Point' type 2p machines.

I hit the jackpot and somehow won streams and streams of the tickets that little children collect, so on our way out I gave them to a little girl playing on the next machine with her Mum.  The delight on her face at the possibility of trading all these tickets in for a little toy or bag of sweets made my day.

We got home just after lunchtime to the news that Mum was having minimal treatment in hospital and should be home in the next day or two.

Alan on the beach with the dogs at Morecambe Bay last year.

This was another tick in our dog-less adventures.  It's strange being able to go into anywhere we want to and being able to stay out as long as we want to.  Ginger is very self sufficient with his food available 24/7 and his own little pussy-cat door, and although we are purposefully not leaving him for too long at the moment, we know that we could if we had too.

Sue xx


  1. Sorry to hear that your Mum has been in hospital. Fingers crossed for a quick return to her care home. Catriona

  2. So many memory moments pull at our hearts. Good that you found a way to do something different. Hope Mum is back from hospital soon. You all have been through the wringer this past year and more.

  3. I am sorry your Mum is in hospital. It looks like you had a nice, much-needed outing. Best to you both and your Mum.

  4. I too am sorry to hear that your mum is in hospital and hope she is back soon. I can imagine how strange it is without dogs. I am sure it was good for you both to get out though. Take care of yourselves and try to have a few treats when you can.

  5. It never rains but it pours doesn't it. I'm so sorry to hear that your mum is in hospital. You did the right thing to have a good walk in the fresh air to take away a little of the feelings of stress. Sending hugs....
    Angie x

  6. Sorry Sue, I hope your Mum is back to her care home soon, having had the appropriate treatment. Having to sort things out from a distance is never easy is it. We don't always take Betty out with us - despite her big bruiser appearance, she's actually quite an anxious dog and doesn't like crowds or lots of other dogs around - she does not want to play with other dogs, she's a loner. But I don't like leaving her at home (although she's absolutely fine home alone) and am always clock watching whilst we're out without her. We're so lucky to live close to the seaside, aren't we? xx

  7. Sorry to hear about your Mum. ❤️🙏

  8. Glad to hear your Mum should be out of hospital soon. Lovely day for a walk along the sea to clear the cobwebs


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