Monday, 17 March 2025

I Travel by Tractor


I'm running on coffee as fuel at the moment, three journeys a week to Manchester is taking it's toll on us both and something needs to keep us relatively human and coherent.

We were there for the delivery of the kitchen on Friday, then the painters finished Mum's bungalow late on Saturday night and we were there to check up on the work yesterday ... not bad, but not brilliant either!!  Today the kitchen fitters move back in to fit the kitchen, so will need to be there for the first hour.  On Friday we will be back there again as the Hilary's Blind man is coming to measure up for the new vertical blinds, and the kitchen will need signing off.

Then a potential weekend breather before the carpet fitters come in on Tuesday of next week.  It's all go and very expensive, but hopefully this is all adding value to what was a very dated little bungalow.

I fall asleep like a dream each night, but then for some strange reason I have been waking up each day at 3.30am ... no matter what time I have gone to bed the night before.  My brain is in gear from the moment I wake, so getting back to sleep is a rarity.  

Sums me up perfectly.  😄

Sue xx


  1. All that traveling up and down sounds very tiring. Hopefully, once all the work is done, you can relax.

  2. You will deserve to have an extended break after all the zooming up and down to Manchester.. Hopefully the bungalow will sell quickly after all your work. Norrie is painting the bathroom and I am keeping out of his way. Another cold and dull day and it’s now the third week in March. Catriona

  3. Best of luck and I hope you can put your feet up at the end!

  4. A gruelling time for you.
    I was wondering about the blog title, and then how it happened that you travelled to Manchester by tractor 🚜 🤔

  5. Hugs. Fingers crossed everything works in favour of the bungalow sale.

  6. A lot of work to prepare your Mum's place for sale.


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