Monday, 10 February 2025

A Job for Me for This Week, a Taste Test and a Snooze


This week, after weeks and weeks of sorting, shifting and stripping out at Mum's, we have finally reached a stage where the jobs left in her little bungalow are virtually all jobs for the professionals.  The kitchen fitters, the decorators etc etc, after they have done their things we will have to snap back into action again with choosing carpets and blinds etc, but for now this week I am going to concentrate on doing a job for myself.  We will still be visiting Mum of course, but the only thing we have to do or supervise this week is the taking away of the huge old fashioned storage heaters and luckily my grandson is able to do this in his removals van.

So what is my job for the week?

Well the photo at the top of the post is to inspire me to actually crack on and get it done!!

I need to go through my food cupboard, put like with like and in date order of using things up and finally get a proper look at what I have in my food stock.  I sort of started a couple of weeks ago and as you can see in the photo got all the pestos together, in date order of needing to be used ... and then something came up and nothing more was done.

Today is the day I start again ... and finish!!

I've started now, even though it is just after six in the morning ... I have just taken out the last jar of homemade marmalade to have on my morning toast.  Oh well that's one less thing to get out onto the worktop.  😁

I had these in the freezer, so I decided to taste test one of them on Saturday.  Alan was busy watching the Six Nations rugby, I was reading when I realised that I felt hungry so I just went for some something simple that I could put in the Remoska and leave for twenty minutes.  At just £1.19 for two I thought I would give them a go as I had heard some good reviews from others.

I'll be honest I really wasn't keen.

They came out exactly the same as the photo on the box, which is pleasing and quite unusual.  The overwhelming taste was the baked beans, I should have expected no less really.  They were edible and passable as a quick snack, but for me there was no substance to them and to satisfy me I would have had to eat both of them as the same time.

I had a baked potato later on, I should perhaps have made a meal of my 'snack' and had them together as a meal.  I am quite into baked potatoes at the moment, which thinking about it actually make a quicker and no doubt more nutritious snack instead of a manufactured pasty.

I might even have a go at making a couple of these for myself with the puff pastry that I have in the freezer, only to make it more satisfying I think I would actually add some mashed potato to the beans and sausage.

Alan and Mavis having a snooze on Mum's floor the other day after our final day of lifting and shifting.  All the carpets have been taken up as you can see, the curtains remain hanging until the kitchen is stripped out, to give the illusion of occupation.  But we had cushions and underlay so for a man that can sleep on a clothes-line this was ultimate comfort.

He had just finished running his final ever three-day international conference the day before, so I let him sleep for an hour before we went on to visit Mum.  I'm good like that!!  😄

Sue xx


  1. You have observed before, and I am finding the same, that when you ~really~ focus on the pre-made veggie/vegan products they are often not that brilliant. Yes, some have decent ingredients and are fairly clean, but they're generally not that inspiring to eat.

    Last night I half saw an advert on TV for a new programme that was something to do with batch cooking, which reminded me I have been thinking that I need to expand my home-made freezer stocks to replace the packaged items.

    1. I need to slowly and surely empty my freezer of this sort of stuff to make way for simpler homemade ready meals. I need to get my a*se in gear for sure. ;-)

  2. That photo of Alan and Mavis napping is so sweet! I bet you're all exhausted after sorting out your Mum's place, I know I was!
    There's something about the teal-y blue packaging of that bake, its one of my favourite colours to paint my nails with but it doesn't look right in a food packaging context.
    Have you seen these? My brother bought me a pack for my birthday and although I'm not a big fan of pastry they were gorgeous!*11nu6vl*_up*MQ..*_gs*MQ..&gclid=CjwKCAiAwaG9BhAREiwAdhv6Y8BYYEg1wFpl10F0S-slwLpkkEWAj_dn6GnUgXnn2CHQPrpIgJMOkRoCfc4QAvD_BwE

    1. The samosa ones would be the only sort I could order, and they do look delicious,. Sadly I don't like mushrooms at all in any form and obviously the other one has cheese in it. I'm very tempted to get six samosa ones though!! :-)

  3. I'm so glad that the hard work at your mum's house is turning the corner from destructive to constructive.
    Grandsons are wonderful beings at times aren't they.
    Enjoy this week and try to be firm about keeping time for your own home projects.
    Maybe even time to read a book?
    Sue L

    1. Just a bit more destruction to do with the ripping out of the old kitchen, but the kitchen fitters are doing that for us ... phew. :-)

  4. Bless him, he looks absolutely zonked! Well done with the progress on the house. Hopefully, not long now.
    And good luck with the food cupboard. It will be good when it's done. xx

    1. He was exhausted, but he had been presented with a goodie bag containing a lot of very good Port and a selection of cheeses as thanks for running the conferences, three times a year for the last 16 years, so he had something to look forward to when we got home. :-)

  5. It's good to hear the work of clearing is nearly done.
    Well done that man for having a nap on the floor - I would never have been able to get up again!

    1. We should be all renovated by the end of March, fingers crossed. I couldn't have gotten down there let alone gotten up!!

  6. I gave the bedroom an early spring clean yesterday and got some clothes ready for the charity shop. I felt a bit like Alan afterwards and managed to nod off during The Pottery Throwdown-thank goodness it’s recorded. Catriona

    1. I record everything just in case that happens, or I get distracted ... which happens on a regular basis. :-)

  7. What a well-stocked and tidy food cupboard - well, it's certainly tidy compared to mine! I do envy people who can sleep anywhere - as Sue above said, I wouldn't be able to get up off the floor, even if I had managed to get down there in the first place.

    1. It's reasonably tidy, but it just has all the newer things at the front and I don't know what at the back or in the lower cupboard, so it's going to be a case of getting EVERYTHING out and having a sort through.

  8. A great pic of Alan and Mavis.
    So pleased for you that most of your Mum’s bungalow stuff is sorted x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. The stuff has all gone, now it's just getting the bungalow itself fitted out and decorated. It's a long process, not helped by us living well over an hour away.

  9. Your cupboard is tidier than mine, so I will need to get my butt in gear. Thanks for the impetus towards getting it straightened out.

    God bless.

    1. It will be satisfying when it's done. I've not even started yet, as we had to get some documents for our flat sale to the solicitors this morning. :-(

  10. Aw bless Alan & Mavis :) I have the same issue as other commenters in that I could get down easily enough but not up again without a struggle! Well done for getting so much done for your mum.
    Angie x

    1. I couldn't even manage to get down that flat, let alone get up!!

  11. You've have made good work of your Mum's place.

    1. It's looking very sparse now, just a couple of pieces of furniture that we are selling with it, and the carpet underlay. It's nice to have finally gotten this far.

  12. Hi Sue,
    FYI, I was going through my usual blogs yesterday and your blog had a "Open to Invited Readers Only" type of message. Today I opened it and all was normal. Maybe do a security scan and make sure you have not been hacked. Take care. Hope your mom is doing ok.

    1. I haven't, I made a little mistake and made this blog private instead of my other one that's all. It was simply overnight and all was rectified as soon as I got on the computer again. Sadly my Mum is very frail now.

  13. You've reminded me that I should do a sort out of my own pantry shelves!
    You've made great progress getting your mother's place redone. And like others who've commented, I'd have a hard time getting up off the floor, myself!

    1. Haha ... I don't think any of us are 'floor dwellers' these days are we. :-)

  14. It's certainly been a very busy and hectic time for you all, well done on all the hard work👏Another one who should sort out the pantry and fridge 😉 Great photo of Alan and Mavis😻

    1. We've got a couple of weeks of just two days a week in Manchester and then it all ramps up again. It's putting me off ever moving again!!

  15. I feel a pang of guilt seeing your cupboard. I need to clean and organize mine!
    I love the window shot with the vase of flowers. I’m weird like that. 😉

    1. I am literally getting stuck into the cupboard today, I put it off again yesterday. That window is the only 'normal' looking area left in the bungalow, sadly the curtains come down next week.

  16. Mavis and Alan having a very deserved nap. I'm glad things are nearing the end there. must be a relief.

    1. We have a bit of a lull before the final push at the start of March, thank goodness.

  17. A photograph does show up the clutter which I have learned not to notice since DH took over the housework.

    1. It really does doesn't it, they say the camera never lies. :-)

      I'll have to get my cupboard beautifully tidy and organised and then take another photo to prove that I've actually done the job ... when I eventually get around to finishing it that is!!


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