Thursday, 27 February 2025

Goodbye My Gorgeous Girl

Yesterday we lost our gorgeous girl.

Mavis died at the vets at 10am and our hearts were broken.

She has had a poorly couple of weeks, with us working with the vets to keep her as comfortable as she possibly could be.  While her mind was bright, her body was slowly failing her.

She had a wonderful life with us, as most of you already know.  She played with the sheep in our paddock at our smallholding in Wales, especially the lambs who loved her to bits and waited at the gate for her to join them in games of chase, or 'run down the hill' on our twice daily walks around the field.

She was great with the chickens and regularly shared their titbits. 

It was just a good life for a Good Dog. ๐Ÿ’–

Ginger has known for the last few days that his little partner in crime was poorly and has been her constant companion.  Today he is lost, but I think he realises what has happened.  To lose his second sister in the  space of seven months must be hard for an old boy.

Reunited. ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน

Sleep well girls.  ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–


Rest in Peace my Gorgeous Girl.  ๐ŸŒน

With us from 31st December 2013 - 26th February 2025

Sue xx


  1. I'm so sorry Sue, she was a lovely girl with big beautiful eyes, and had the most wonderful life with you, Alan and her furry siblings xx

    1. Sorry, that's me, Sooze, I come up as anonymous on my phone

    2. Thanks for letting me know. ❤️ xx

  2. So sad to hear this. You gave her a wonderful life and you will have wonderful memories. Maeve xx

  3. My dear friend, I suspected this was on the cards as did you, but it never ever makes things any easier.

    Mavis had the most incredible life with you, I remember how you rescued a wet, bedraggled rat brought to your doorstep one night, and then you rescued the darling girl again after she was taken from you.

    It is exactly six years to the week that I went through the same heartbreak and because I am not as articulate as you are, I'm going to say back to you what you wrote to me then, I can only hope it gives you as much comfort as you kindly gave me:

    We give them all the love in our hearts and somehow they double it, send it right back at us and then they go, and all we have are happy memories that make us cry, paw prints we're loathe to hoover up and an ache in our hearts that hurts for far too long.

    We will light a candle for you all tonight, ๐Ÿ’š ๐Ÿพ ๐Ÿ’š

  4. So sorry to hear your news but in her lifetime with you and Alan she was loved and cared for and had an amazing life, you did her proud. Sending hugs. Heather

  5. All my sympathies to you both. She was a dearly beloved member of your family.

  6. So sorry to read this sad news Sue. What a wonderful life she had with you. Sending much sympathy to you and Alan. xx

  7. I am sorry to hear this. God bless you and keep you. My condolences to you and your family.

  8. Dear dear Mavis, so sad for you and Alan. But what a life the gal had, you did your best by her.

  9. That's sad to hear . She will be so missed after all the adventures you had with her

  10. My love to you both and Ginger, so sad to lose our dear companions. A month ago we lost our dear old puss Bo at age 20. We were heartbroken and still miss her all the time She was such a dear girl. Thinking of you. She H

  11. Sue so sorry to read your loss, sending lots of virtual hugs from both Tony and myself (Margaret) and our ginger tom Harry xx


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