Friday, 14 February 2025

Just a Fun Thing for Valentines Day

 Remember back in the day when these sort of things used to do the rounds in Blogland and on Facebook. Well this popped up in my Facebook Memories the other day.

I added a couple of updates in brackets ... things change!!

A Couples Quiz

In honour of Valentine's Day, all couples: Make this your status and answer honestly!
Who's older? Alan by 1 year
Who was interested first? Me
Who's the tallest? Alan by 3 inches. (Alan by 6 inches)
More sarcastic? Me
Who makes the most mess? Alan

Who has more tattoos? Me
Who's the better singer? Alan
Hogs the remote? Me (now we have one each)
Better driver? Me in forward ... Alan in reverse
Spends the most? Alan for sure
Smarter? Alan
Most common sense? Me
Do you have any children together? No

Did you go to the same school? No
Who is the most sensitive? Equal
Where do you eat out most? Osbornes (now it's Booths)
Where is the furthest you have travelled together? Rome

Who has the worst temper? We're equal.
Who does the cooking? Both
Who is more social? Alan
Who is the neat freak? Alan (me)

Who is the most stubborn? Both
Who wakes up earlier? Me
Where was your first date? Lunch at The Ferry, Walney Island
Who has the bigger family? Very similar

Who does the laundry? Both
Who's better with the computers? Alan ... mostly
Who picks where you go to dinner? Me ... mostly
Who wears the pants in the relationship? Both of us ... we love our jeans

That was interesting for me to look back on for sure. 

Happy Valentines Day  🌹 

Sue xx


  1. It's interesting to think about what's changed, isn't it? xx

    1. It really is, but then after twenty years together they are bound to. 🙂

  2. How lovely to see your smiling faces first thing this morning, a gorgeous photo!
    Yipes, that's a bit of shrinkage going on, Sue. Is that from your back problems? xxx

    1. Yes sadly. I had four breaks altogether with a total collapse of one of my vertebrae, which unfortunately wasn't discovered until it had completely healed during lockdown. ☹️

  3. Lovely photo and fun to see your quiz answers! Catriona

    1. Thanks, lots of these little Q&As used to do the rounds in blogland and on Facebook. It's always fascinating when they pop up in Facebook Memories. 😄

  4. It was fun to read the answers to the quiz. Happy St. Valentine's Day!

    1. It's good to do something light hearted isn't it. :-)

  5. The couple seated behind don't look too loved up!!!😁

    1. In the few years that I've had this photo I had never noticed that!! Well spotted, oh well at least we are. :-)

  6. "Better driver? Me in forward ... Alan in reverse"

    This made me laugh! 😂

  7. lovely picture of you both, i hope you have a great valentine's day xx

    1. It's from a couple of years ago, (I've got my natural brown hair at the moment) but I like it. ❤️

  8. Lately I would say I am the better driver overall, especially in the city. Harvey hates driving in the city and quite often gives that task to me or our son.

    God bless.

    1. I think in all honesty Alan is perhaps the better driver, he's used to travelling the full length of the country on a regular basis. But I am a much more observant driver. We both hate driving in cities though, it's just a necessary evil. 🚗 🚘 🚔

  9. Nice to read and see a gorgeous photo! Happy Valentine's Day.

  10. Lovely photo of you both 😍 Such a fun quiz which I've never seen before 👏

    1. Alan loves this photo, he has it printed out and on his shelf in the kitchen. ❤️


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