Sunday, 2 March 2025

The Books That I Read in February


I started the month of February on a very good note with this really good read all about a trained midwife who has furthered her training and is setting off on a new career in the poverty-ridden streets of post-WWII England as a Health Visitor.

I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Another wartime read, this time though pure fiction.  It was still very enjoyable, and although I know there is a whole series of the stories I don't feel the need to read any more of them.


A comic-book style book, not the usual sort of read for me but one that I bought a number of years ago after watching the film of the same name.  It has been sat unread for so long that I decided to give it a go.  It is not my sort of reading at all these days.


Exactly the same as above, bought after watching the film.  Both films have Gemma Arterton in them, an actress that I admire.  I was fascinated with an interview that she did for the Gemma Bovery film when she said she had learnt almost fluent conversational French in a few weeks for the role.  Gosh I wish I could do that!!

This is what the two books above look like inside.

Another book that has been on my bookshelf for years, although this one had been read a few times.  It reminded me that I have the full boxset of the Sex & the City films on DVD, I need to watch them again.  I bet they will seem very dated now.  There are lots of lovely photos and interviews with the cast and crew in this book.


This book is purely the tie-in with the second Sex & the City film.


A good read especially for anyone that has any family members that are Jehovah's Witnesses ... which I do.  It's fascinating to read an alternative view from someone that was on the inside and is now on the outside.

Yes, the truth will set you free ... but only if it isn't skewed.


An excellent book.  I got really absorbed in this and thoroughly enjoyed it.


I had a reread of this as I wanted to find a couple of recipes to add to my repertoire.


I'd forgotten that I had this book, so I had a good look through it, there was really nothing outstanding that made it worth keeping.  But it was nice to look through it again before it left the building. 


Eat. Nourish. Glow. by Amelia Freer

I'm still reading this.  It got put to one side with the week we have just had, but I have got it by my chair to pick up where I left off.  As requested by quite a few of my readers, I will do a proper review of it once I've finished.  The first big chunk of it is all about adapting your diet and the reasons for doing so, I haven't reached any recipes yet!!


So, it's been a good reading month, and of the ten and a half books that I've read I'm happy to say that nine have been donated.  This is my aim this year, to whittle my book collection down to a more compact size whilst enjoying reading through the books that I have collected over the years.

Sue xx

I would like to point out, that although I provide links to Amazon for all the books that I read each month, not all my books are bought from Amazon.  If they are, some of them were bought from the Used section rather than at full price.  You do not need to spend a fortune to read good books. 💖

I share the links so that you can learn more about the books that I write about for yourself, or read reviews from others that have read them.  Of course most of the books I talk about would also be available from your local library, and if you are very lucky you might even find them in charity or thrift shops. 

There are so many ways to bring books into your home if you love reading. 📚