Tuesday 18 June 2024

Onions or Flowers, Flowers or Onions


My onions really haven't liked the weather this Spring, in fact before they have even had chance put on full oniony growth they are already deciding to set seed.  So my choice has been onions or flowers, flowers or onions.

Now I love the glorious flower heads of all the alliums, and the thought of large onion flowers has me very tempted.  So each time I go out to the garden to get an onion for my cooking I have been checking the size of the bulb at the bottom of each stem.  If it's not big enough to be used for my tea the decision is made for me ... one more flower head left ready to bloom.  

The bees will love me. 🎕

I've not had a courgette off any of my plants this year, I would say this one is the nearest to developing.  All the veggies just need a little bit more sunshine and warmth.

But two potatoes that I had completely forgotten about in the kitchen, and had sprouted merrily away all by themselves, were stuck in a few inches of soil in a fit of 'waste not want not', and are now showing their faces just over a week later.

So although I've not had a lot of food from the garden this year, there is some to come and that makes me happy.

Mum is still in hospital and was really upset last week that she couldn't remember what her little bungalow looked like ... so I took a photo for her when we were there picking up the post.

Thank you for all your lovely comments over the last few posts while I've been too poorly to post much, things are improving ... for me, for Mum and hopefully for the garden.

Sue xx

Monday 10 June 2024

Seemingly, I'm an Adult


All true, with some variations.

I've been really poorly with a bout of flu ... and lost only 1lb.

Oh yes, I like to sleep.

Most things hurt ... but my ears and knees are fine. 😄

Comfort most definitely before style, flat shoes are my go to, and jeans and tops my uniform.

Students do look ridiculously young, and my Mum's hospital Doctor is just a smidge older than my grandson!!

My favourite spatulas.  😀

Sue xx

Tuesday 4 June 2024

And now it's time ...


And now it's time ... to be less productive, to take it easy, to realise that being busy is not necessarily a good thing.  It's time to not jump up and offer to do things, to not feel guilty if you are seen to be sitting and daydreaming, or reading far too much of a book in one sitting ... and to never apologise for doing what you want to do. 

 I've spent my whole life being productive, you have to be when you're a young Mum, then you get a job and juggle the home and the work life.  You learn to fit so many hours into your minutes, to keep everyone as happy as you can and you do learn to love the busy-ness of it.

But then the kids grow up, the career takes off and you are busy for other people, you realise this and sidestep and become busy again but for yourself.  It's all good in it's time, but now I am in a different time, and I have to learn to love it.

So bit by bit over the course of the last few months, I have been turning things off, unsubscribing, unfollowing, blocking ... and walking away.

It's been a slow, gradual process and I will not be made to feel guilty for doing less.  

When you do less, you are more.

Time to think is a  precious resource.

Sue xx

Monday 3 June 2024

'It's food Jim, but not as we know it ... '


'It's food Jim ... but not as we know it!'

This misquote from Star Trek with Mr Spock talking to the Captain came to mind as soon as I tucked into my Vegan Royale.  It looked the part but any taste was just not there.  All I could taste with any flavour was the mayo and the lettuce and the 'patty' was textural and nothing else.

Textural ... but not in a good way.

I managed just over half because I was hungry and then Alan finished it off and we shared a small portion of fries.

Alan's 'Bacon Double Cheeseburger', was quite tasty he said, but we literally both laughed out loud at the size of it.  Four or five little bites and it was gone.  Thank goodness for the chips and the filling power of the coffees.

Such has been our snatched food intake over the last few weeks with Mum in hospital and us up and down the motorway.  The Greggs vegan sausage rolls have been a life saver, but they are so good that they are first thing to sell out so I have had to make other choices on a couple of occasions ... hence the Royale yesterday.

I am going to have to try and make more time to take us a sandwich from home when we are visiting at awkward times, I managed it once and it was so much better.  Sadly because of our distance from the hospital and the motorways we have to use, it takes us a while to get there, and Friday night's trip was the worst one yet.

But the main thing is that Mum was looking a little better yesterday, although sadly she said she felt awful.

My first shopping trip of June, you can tell I needed fresh stuff in my system.

I Spent £6.93

Closely followed by a second shopping trip a couple of days later when Alan asked if I wanted to go to Aldi with him.  A total of £21.19 here.

I'm already over this week's budget, but I now have lots of lovely healthy things to eat and bread to make sandwiches with, and that is the main thing.

Sue xx